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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Your New Favorite Blog: Oddly Lovely.

My name is Cat and I blog over at Oddly Lovely, a lifestyle blog about the little, simple joys in life like recipes, stye, DIY projects, and pet advice.


Actually, I wound up working in social media marketing almost four years ago and that's how I discovered the wonderful world of blogs. For the first few years at my agency, I primarily worked as a liaison between companies and bloggers, organizing sponsored posts. I went to school for writing and have a strong passion for photography, cooking, and DIY, so I knew my interests aligned well with blogging. After a few years of working on the brand-side, I launched Oddly Lovely and now I get to use my professional marketing skills for more fun purposes!

The one book I recommend to everyone I know is Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. He's a memoir essayist who talks about everything from being taught guitar by a little person to his failed attempts at performance art to the challenges of learning French in Normandy. I promise you'll be rolling on the floor laughing.

I'm really proud of the fact that I've been learning how to talk about more than my dog and cookie recipes on my blog. I recently wrote this post called Why Bloggers Should Share Controversial Posts in reaction to my incredible experiences exploring topics like feminism and birth control and religion on my blog.

My boyfriend just read all the Harry Potter books for the first time, so we've been working our way through all the movies. Although I adored the books, I totally forgot how cheesy the films are! Most of the time I can't tell if we're laughing at or laughing along with them.

Cat's blog is incredibly real, something that is very refreshing to see. When I read her posts, I always feel like I'm having a deep discussion with someone about something that's important to them. Do yourself a favor and go check her blog out!

Comments have been turned off so you can go say hi to Cat instead! You can find her on bloglovin'twitter, instagram, and facebook!