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Monday, February 16, 2015

This is Life. This is it.

I've been reminding myself lately, this is life. This is it--the good and the awful and the boring and the magical--this is it.

We can talk all we want about hustling and planning and dreaming and scheming (all things I talk about and love and do very often), but none of that actually matters if we're not living our current life.

There's a really big difference between existing while looking towards the next thing and actually living. Yes, you have to work. You have to plan. You should dream and hustle. But if you are too busy with those things that you miss the good that is today, if you're too busy focused on the future that you miss the magic of the present, isn't that a waste of this part of your life?

Of course, we all hope to live nice, long and fulfilling lives. But we have no assurance of that. And I have to say, there have been phases of my life recently that if it were to all be over, it would have been a shame, because I was way more focused on the future than the present, and that's not really living.

I want to live so vivaciously that if it all comes to a screeching halt and I'm suddenly hanging out with Jesus, that no one around me would feel sad that I didn't get to make it to the next big thing I was always talking about. Instead, I would want people to remember that I lived my life fully alive.

The smallest shift in attitude has really been life changing for me. Do I hope to have my dream career in the future? Absolutely. And I'm still working my backside off to get there. But should that stop me from writing for fun now? No. Could I come up with drastic changes I could make over the next five years that would make my marriage better? Sure. But why not make it the best it can be today, the day I'm actually living in?

As an adult, you have to plan and save and all those other adult-ish things. But I'm learning that in no way does that mean you can't also enjoy every single day. Because if today was your last day, it sure would be a shame spending the entire thing planning and saving for tomorrow.


  1. This. Yes. I wish I could use emojis. I've recently had to make sme big changes so all this you write about is true and it is worth it.

  2. Yes to all of this. I do hope your career comes sooner than later, but the fact that you're willing to work to live (instead of vice versa) and live to your fullest, well, that makes my heart happy.

  3. Love this! It's all about finding a balance between those big dreams that you're trying to achieve, but also basking in day to day life! Great post girlfriend! Happy Monday!

  4. This precarious balance of living but planning is something I've been really trying to focus on. I really enjoy how you think and talk about it though. Hopefully this inspires more people to truly exist and live.

  5. I LOVE this! it's so easy to get caught up in the future + totally miss out on today.

  6. Exactly this. I've had the same struggle lately; am I really enjoying life? I have a snow day today and I've spent the entire time stressing over work emails! Finding balance is a difficult process but I know you can do it! Happy Monday friend!

  7. So, so true. I love your passion for life and Jesus!

  8. Yes, isn't life a miracle? Live it up and keep that passion alive.

  9. I couldn't have said it better myself. I need to live more in the moment, for sure!

  10. So true. I have had a hard time not looking ahead lately, and I keep having to remind myself that today is also part of my life's story, and I need to make the most of it!

  11. Can you just remind us all from time to time to LIVE and not just BE!? I think I forget this more than anything bc I get too wrapped up in life.

  12. Great post! I think about this sometimes too. It's something I should probably think about more. Thanks for the reminder!

  13. It is so important to live in today while still working towards the future.

  14. Yes to allll of this!

  15. Is it pathetic to say that I actually got a lump in my throat while reading this? Seriously...I'm copying and pasting your words onto my desktop background as a reminder to myself to just live every day. So rest assured, when I wake up in the morning and open up my laptop, this is what I'll see:

    "There's a really big difference between existing while looking towards the next thing and actually living. Yes, you have to work. You have to plan. You should dream and hustle. But if you are too busy with those things that you miss the good that is today, if you're too busy focused on the future that you miss the magic of the present, isn't that a waste of this part of your life?"

    Thank you for such beautiful, inspiring words (as always)!
    ~ Samantha


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