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Monday, December 28, 2015

37 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Merry week-after-Christmas! I hope you all had the most magical holiday. Last Thursday wasn't just Christmas Eve for me, it was also the day that marked making it to 37 weeks-which is full term! Hooray! Baby Jack can safely come any day now-although I wouldn't be mad if he stayed put just a liiiiiitle longer so we can get a few more things ready for him!

  • On Christmas Eve, we drove around and looked at Christmas lights with Gatsby in tow. We drank peppermint hot chocolate and searched out the most festive houses, and Gatsby would sit nowhere but directly on my baby bump. It was weird and adorable, and I can't wait until next year, when we'll be looking at Christmas lights with two little rascals. 
  • Doing last minute shopping and other Christmas festivities, I kept catching my reflection in the mirror and actually shocking myself with how hugely pregnant I looked. I think it's because I've felt this big for so long, but now that I actually look this big...well, the size of my stomach keeps surprising even me. 
  • We've passed the point where people ask questions trying to feel out if I'm pregnant and gone straight to the point where strangers see me and just say congratulations. It's weird and I always want to say, "For what? What are you talking about?" Just to scare someone, but I haven't worked up the nerve yet. 
  • On the 23rd, we went out for a fancy Christmas/Anniversary date, and they brought us a cake that said "Congratulations." At first I was confused about how they knew we were celebrating our anniversary, and then I realized that I was getting chocolate congratulations for being pregnant. Hey, I'll take it. 
37 weeks down, 3(ish) to go. THAT IS INSANE. 


  1. I love that you got some pregnancy cake! How exciting that you've made it full term and you're going to be parents to a baby boy ANY DAY NOW!! Yay! Sounds like your Christmas (eve) was a special one!

  2. Eek! Can't believe you're full term already! Congratulations, but I don't know what for ;)

  3. yay 37 weeks!!! so exciting!!
    sounds like a lovely Christmas Eve, we went for a walk with the kids to see the lights!

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  4. So close!! I love that you've kept up week to week with things you want to remember. It's going to be so fun to look back on these memories once you got Baby Jack in your arms!

  5. Congrats pretty girl! I loved your little Christmas Eve stories and you should absolutely try the funny trick on strangers :) And then of course laugh with them!

    Kelsey | a balancing peach

  6. Looks like a seriously yummy cake!! Home stretch now! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  7. YUM! That looks so good! We went and looked at Christmas lights and I had the same year will be so different!

  8. My goodness time has flown!! I would so die of laughter if you calmly asked someone what they were talking about when saying congrats. Too funny!

  9. So close! How exciting and terrifying!

  10. Ahhh he'll be here so soon! So happy for you! :)

  11. So close! I'm thrilled you had a great Christmas week! Countdown is on!

  12. Yay for full term! It would be so hilarious if you pretended to be confused with a stranger!

  13. Holy cow, baby Jack could come anytime now...that is seriously awesome! I would also love to hear about when you confuse a stranger, because that too would be awesome ;) Enjoy every second!

  14. I cannot believe you're so close. I'm very excited for you!

  15. that dessert, omg. hooray for 37 weeks!!

  16. Aw so cute! Thats amazing you got a pregnancy cake! Sounds like you had a great Christmas too!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  17. I would have never thought that so many strangers would offer their congratulations like that. But, if that means chocolate cake, then bring it on!

  18. 37 weeks! SO SOON!!! I'm so excited for you! xoxo

  19. Your little guy will be here before you know it! So exciting!

  20. Haha! I need to find out where you're going out to eat. I want free chocolate! Glad you guys are taking advantage of the time you have together, just the two of you. Adding a little one to the mix makes life even better and more exciting, but cherish this time, too! Can't wait for your babe to come!

    Sue's News || Sue

  21. Aww, that's so sweet you got a free dessert! 37 weeks, that's so exciting! I always wanted to respond with something like that too when I was super pregnant with my little guy... just to see the look on someone's face. Never braved it though!

  22. I love the story about the cake! And I'd love to hear about it if you do ask someone what they're saying Congrats for. I don't know if I'd be able to work up the nerve to do it, though. :)


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