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Monday, December 7, 2015

Remember What it's All About: Savoring the Season.

savor the season

Savor has been such a big word for me this year, but especially now that the holidays are in full swing and we're getting closer and closer to little babe making his appearance, it has been so important to me.

The thing about savoring this type of season is that sometimes, it doesn't come naturally. Sometimes, the easy thing will be to rush through every day, constantly looking ahead to the next task and ignoring the present. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to slow down and take a deep breath and savor the current moment we're in.

I'm not saying that in order to savor a season, you have to put a halt to everything else--I'm having a baby in a few weeks and it's Christmastime, hello, there's stuff to be done. But being busy and savoring the season aren't mutually exclusive.

So this month, I hope that you savor your season. I hope you just stop to take it all in on several occasions. I hope that instead of getting caught up in the busyness that can so quickly overtake a day, that you pause to remember what it's really all about. To remember who it's all about.

Cherish the people you love. Your friends and family and the time you get to spend together. Cherish the quiet moments and the busy ones. Cherish the slow mornings when you have time for a second cup of coffee and the hectic ones where your first cup has to be to-go.

Because it doesn't matter what the season looks like--be it busy or calm or fast paced or peaceful or anything else...if you remember why it means so much to you, you'll be able to savor each and every day.

Cheers to a season full of savoring every day.


  1. This is a great post and I completely agree! It's also important to live in the here and now rather than to always look forward to the next big thing. Have a great week :)

  2. Love this reminder! Savor--that single word is going to be my mantra this month.

  3. What a wonderful reminder!!! I'm trying to savor it every minute!

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  4. Love this! I definitely am usually go-go-go, and am looking forward to slowing down (as I can) over the next few weeks to enjoy this wonderful time of year <3

    Green Fashionista

  5. Love this reminder today. We've been so busy lately and it's easy to forget what a magical time this is!

  6. i could not agree more- it's all about the ones we love. so beautifully written!!

  7. You are absolutely right. During this time of excitement & looking ahead to the next fun event or activity, it is so important to be intentional about the time that you have, the activity that you are doing & all that is in between. It's so hard as a mama because I want Cash {and Wyatt} to experience all of the fun things that make up this season, as well as who it is about & who we share it with. Great reminder!

  8. What a great post! I completely agree. Moments should be cherished even when we are running around busy. This is such a great time of year :)

  9. So very true, and I'm sure you will continue to want to savor the moments once little Jack arrives!

  10. Thanks for sharing your heart! This year I have been really trying to slow down and enjoy Christmas as well.

  11. I have been thinking about this same this over and over lately. Life is hectic and I want to slow down and enjoy the things around me instead.

  12. This is such a great reminder. I'm trying so hard to get into the Christmas mood and enjoy the evenings at home with the pups, relaxing the light of the Christmas tree :)

  13. Such a great thing to remember during the holidays where it's so easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everything. We need to stop and remember to enjoy the time and what the season is all about!

  14. "Being busy and savoring the season aren't mutually exclusive." What a great concept (and a great word!)

  15. Yes! I totally agree! It's so easy to get wrapped up in the busy-ness of this time of the year.

  16. YES! Savoring is so important!! Thank you for this reminder! I sooo often forget to savor, it feels like. My word for this year was "content" which I think relates pretty closely to savoring!

  17. They just talked about this at church on Sunday! Trying to be intentional in everything we do this season!

  18. This is JUST what I've been trying to do lately. It can be easy to get caught up in all the doing and going, but I'm trying really hard to just take it day by day and experience the present. Beautifully said!
    Shea |

  19. Exactly! Which is why I get everything done early so I can savor everything and enjoy it for what it is!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  20. wonderful sentiment for this time of year. and i love how it's delivered with such eloquence, and not the usual sappy Hallmark card type of way. Did that make sense? Hehe. Such a lovely message.

  21. Oh hell yes. I'm so guilty of just rushing through my days lately. I got so focused on all the things I want or need to change (or the changes looming in the future) that I was completely ignoring the life i'm in right now--I'd switched into auto-pilot mode. Thank you for this!

  22. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It's been a busy season but I've been taking moments to stop and just enjoy. This year has taught me a lot about stopping in the midst of busyness to just be with friends, family, puppies (aka family), or even just myself. I've been making sure that I do that during this holiday season too.


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