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Thursday, December 10, 2015

35 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Five weeks left. F-I-V-E. If you wanted to count that, you could do so ON ONE HAND. 

So, to recap: Christmas Eve is two weeks from today. New Years Eve is three weeks from today. And Jack's (supposed to be) birthday is five weeks from today. I know every single one of those things is going to be here before I know it. 

  • We tried to install the carseat...only to realize it doesn't fit in the car. So we went and bought a different carseat, and it barely fit. Does anyone have any recommendations for compact carseats? 
  • We went to Universal and walked around yesterday, and we went into the Christmas ornament store (which is there all year, but I only like to go in at Christmastime-because sweating bullets and looking at Christmas trees in June just feels weird, ya know?) The past two years, we've bought an ornament for our tree, and this year we got one with Jack's name on it. 
  • I had a scare yesterday morning where I thought he may be trying to make a break for it, and that made me realize how not ready I am. There's still so much to do! Here's hoping he actually waits five more weeks. 
35 weeks down, 5(ish) weeks to go!


  1. Oh my word! You are so cute :) we have the Graco Click connect, and it fits great in my Ford Focus!

  2. The only infant carrier that will fit in my juke is a cybex Aton. Pretty expensive but lots of safety features. We plan to get the cybex Aton q.

  3. So cute! My mom bought us a pink ornament filled with pink dust with her name on it! I've been having contractions so its pretty crazy to think it's coming so soon! I can't believe you only have 5 weeks!!!! So exciting! Are you planning on doing natural or epidural? I'm totally getting the epidural haha

  4. You look awesome! Here's to hoping he stays put for a few more weeks!

  5. You are SERIOUSLY the cutest :) May I ask what kinda carseat and what kinda car you drive? Jared and I both have smaller cars and I never even considered that they might not fit (Hi, brand new pregnant person over here!)

  6. The ornament PS I just love how you are doing pregnancy updates.

  7. I'll just tell you what others keep telling me--your natural instincts will kick in, and you'll get the hang of it! (But I'm with ya, because I'm totally terrified too.)

  8. Ahhhh 5 weeks! Loving the baby bump pic at Universal, and glad it was just a scare and he decided he's not ready yet :)

    Green Fashionista

  9. Cannot believe you only have 5 weeks of pregnancy left, so excited for you!!!

  10. You are the most beautiful pregnant woman! Seriously! Wow- 5 weeks?! It will fly by! Can't wait to see pics of the sweetest babe!

  11. Such a cute baby belly!! FIVE?! Where has time gone?!

  12. super cute!! 5 weeks will fly by!
    Google compact car seats... and I know some people who googled their car type and it will tell you which seats fit! hope that helps!

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  13. yay! and I totally agree about needing to wait- and making a break for it. haha and we are thinking our car seat is a little tight, too. the passenger front seat is way too far up with it in the back - let me know what you find!!

  14. I haven't had a lot of time to read, so either I missed it or I don't remember - but I LOVE his name! Jack!!! That's what we want to name a baby boy if we ever have one. I just love the "classic-ness" of it (yes I just made that up). :) <3 Keeping you in my thoughts! Hope you're doing well!

  15. Did you figure out the carseat situation yet? We really love the Chicco Keyfit 30 but not sure how it fits - I have bucket seats in the backseat and it fits great on those but I'm not sure about a smaller car... it seems bigger than the Graco we used last time which was a Click Connect and fit in my tiny Jetta at the time and worked well too!

  16. you are the cutest little mama! i can't believe only five more weeks!!!!! i'm so excited for you guys!

    xo, megan

  17. wanted to add my two cents to the car seat mix: I have a tiny Honda civic and the chicco keyfit 30 fit great in that, the front passenger seat is up a bit, but it works! as for the next carseat, we have the graco 4ever, and it fits great! bet you're getting so excited to meet that little guy now that the "real" stuff (i.e. carseat installation) is happening!


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