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Thursday, December 3, 2015

34 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

And just like that, Christmastime is here and Jack is thirty-four weeks along in his little life. 

Thirty. Four. Weeks.....what? 

It's not that thirty-four weeks seems so long, it's that six weeks seems so short. Very, very short. I feel like six weeks is a phrase we throw around all the time. You go to the doctor or to get a haircut and they say, "See you back here in six weeks!" You meet about a project at work and say, "We'll revisit our progress in six weeks." And I'm over here like, "Oh, just having a baby in six weeks!" 

So, that's happening. 

  • We read him a book for the first time this week. We took turns reading pages of The Lion King, and Jack loved it. He did not stop moving until the book was's the most I've ever felt him move so constantly like that. I say it means he's going to love reading!
  • Our Christmas tree is set up and perfectly cozy, and when I stay curled up in bed drinking my coffee and looking at it every morning, I wonder if it will still be set up when Jack gets here. I usually leave it up for at least the first week of January, sometimes longer. So who knows!
  • After spending a lot of time researching (so, browsing Pinterest), I made several lists this week: Things we need before he comes, things that would be nice to get, and things I want to get for him, but don't need immediately. As a planner, it was a huge relief to get everything down on paper and see exactly what I need to be doing until he gets here. But it also made everything seem so I was making a grocery list for company coming in town. It's so weird to be planning for this member of my family that I've never, so weird, but so exciting. On that note, any suggestions for things that are absolutely necessary for life with a newborn? 
34 weeks down, 6(ish) to go. 


  1. These last 6 weeks are going to fly by! Well, you saw my post of essential items from yesterday! Other than the basic essentials, those are it for me!

  2. I know how you feel--when we watched fall finales of our tv shows, they all said things like "returning in February" and I look at my husband and say "we'll have a baby when this show returns!!!" The Life of Bon and The Grits Blog are both great blogs to read, and they recently posted their essential baby items. I guess for some things, though, you don't really know until you've had the experience!

  3. I am so obsessed with your view and tree! Also, I'm with you--six weeks doesn't seem long AT ALL. I'm a planner like you and think your lists are very, very smart!

  4. 34 weeks, wow! So exciting. And so stinking sweet about reading books to the belly :)!

  5. awe, i love that you read to him!! yay to cozy and i would LOVE to see these lists!!!! :)

  6. Oh wow 6 weeks!! I love that you guys read a book to him - so sweet <3

    Green Fashionista

  7. Wow, your pregnancy has just flown by!! Your tree looks amazing as does the view out of that window!! 6 more weeks! Hooray!!

  8. I've never had a baby before so I don't have any advice on what items are a must have. But from watching my friends and sisters have babies, I think the best piece of advice is not to have any expectations. It's gonna be a learning experience, things may not go the way you planned, and you're gonna feel unsure - but it's still going to be amazing. Just take it one moment at a time, and don't worry about meeting any goals or expectations. xoxo

  9. I love the photo in this post. How beautiful is that view and to lay in bed and look out the window and a Christmas tree- so great! 6 weeks is no time at all! So glad you are feeling good about it

  10. Ah so exciting!! I love that you guys read to him and that he was loving it. So precious.

  11. So sweet that y'all read a book to him! <3

  12. So exciting!! Chris and I really need to get on some things because we keep thinking we have all this time, but time is FLYING! We have nothing for him...but then again, I'm really enjoying not being high strung about it!

  13. So sweet you read to him!! BTW, your view=amazing!!! Love the tree too!

  14. Wow, time sure is flying! I can't wait to start reading to our little one before he or she arrives. Building baby's library has been so fun, and has brought back a lot of memories from our childhood. It has also shown us how many terrible children's books there are out there lol

  15. OMG, our due dates are 2 weeks apart! I'm 32 weeks tomorrow. Can't wait to read up on all your pregnancy posts!

  16. And feel free to post your need/nice to have/want lists--I'm curious if there's anything I've forgotten!!

  17. Woo! So exciting! It's crazy to think about adding a family member. Like, he's not here and then... He is!

  18. Aw! I love that his first book is the Lion King! What a good one :]

    xx katie // a touch of teal

  19. Can't believe your already 34 weeks!! So excited for you! Happy holidays <3

  20. It's so cute that he moved so much while you guys read him a book.


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