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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Stopping to Take it All in.

As I'm writing this, the sun has yet to come up, but my apartment is lit by our pretty little Christmas tree. My husband is asleep next to me, my pup is curled up sleeping on my feet, and my little babe is just waking up, bouncing around in my stomach. We're just days away from Christmas, just weeks away from having a baby, and I'm thankful for this quiet moment to just stop and take it all in.

It has been a magical holiday season. It's been way different than I would have pictured it, and honestly, it's been a bit unconventional--Chris had to travel a lot for interviews and I spent a lot of nights falling asleep before 8:00, since I wasn't someone who's symptoms miraculously disappeared after 12 weeks--but it's been magical nonetheless.

It's been full of date nights--whether they consisted of actually going out on a date, or staying at home and playing yahtzee. It's been full of snuggling and watching movies, falling asleep to the glow of the Christmas tree. It's been full of getting baby stuff ready, of balancing cherishing the present and dreaming of the future. It's been a season of celebrating my favorite time of the year...Christmas movies, peppermint mochas, Grinchmas at Universal. It's been the best. Most of all, it's been a season of so much love. 

These still moments before the world wakes up are perfect for reflecting, for taking a moment to just be thankful for everything. And today, as the sun rises and the world wakes up and the day comes alive, I'm so overwhelmed with thankfulness. The next few days will be a whirlwind, and something tells me life won't be slowing down any time soon after that. So here's to the quiet moments, the moments that fill us up and help us power through the hectic days.

Merry Christmas, friends. No matter what season of life you are in, I hope you're able to find some quiet moments of your own to just stop and take it all in.


  1. I love this reminder... the next few nights are jam packed for me with the part-time job and spending time with friends and family moments... but I definitely need to take a break or wake up a little earlier to appreciate this season :)

  2. this is making me very nostalgic...for that sweet spot with baby, but before baby. when it's the three of you, but still just the two of you. i love our life now with our miss Amelia, but there is a part of me that misses the time before, just a smidge. merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas! Although the days will be busy I'm looking forward to curling up by our pretty tree at night :)

  4. Merry Christmas Chelsea! There's something so peaceful about the early morning while the rest of the house is still asleep. Enjoy these last few weeks with the glow of the tree and the dancing in your tummy!

    Green Fashionista

  5. Sounds like a truly wonderful holiday season...merry Christmas!

  6. That first paragraph was everything!! Merry Christmas doll! xo, Biana

  7. love this! xojamie

  8. Merry Christmas to you and yours, my friend :)

  9. I definitely love the quiet moments among the chaos. Merry Christmas girl!

  10. All that snuggling and movie-watching and yahtzee-playing (my fam's favorite game!) sounds wonderful, and I'm glad within the business of travel and interviews you've still got those special moments together. And isn't it exciting to think that by next Christmas we'll have BABIES in our families?! Ahhh! :D

  11. this sounds like you're creating perfect almost-christmas memories, even if they are a little different than what you'd imagined. you're taking it all in, which is the best part. can't wait to hear how your christmas went!

  12. Nothing beats falling asleep in front of the Christmas tree!

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld

  13. YES! ! This post is amazing!
    Merry Christmas girl!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  14. I hope you had a very meaningful and relaxing holiday weekend. It was busy busy busy for us, be we were able to sneak in a few quiet moments in front of the Christmas tree to appreciate everything.


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