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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Dear 2015.

Dear 2015,

Where do I even start? You were, by far, the best and weirdest year of my life.

I set out for this year to be all about me--I wanted to say yes and be brave and experience and adventure--and less than halfway through the year, that came to a halt as my life was suddenly all about someone else-someone I haven't even met yet.

You taught me that I can do hard things-things that seem impossible. I learned that I'm way stronger than I think I am. I learned to savor every season, even the hard ones.

You taught me that comparing myself to other people is absolutely pointless. That doing my best is absolutely enough.

You were the year where I decided to just write, no matter what, no matter who read it or how it looked. I've written creatively this year more than any other year, and I've done it for fun. Thanks for teaching me that doing what you love is essential, no matter what it looks like.

You taught me that most of all, I want to be empty when my time runs out. That I am spending my life. And that spending my life doesn't have to look like grand adventures and spontaneity...that I can spend my life in the best way right here at home.

You taught me that fresh starts are okay. That I don't have to wait for permission to make one. That I can wake up on any random Thursday and decide I want to start over.

You were the year where I learned that I won't always have a plan. I won't always be able to make a plan. And even though I desperately want to know everything, it's all going to work out, even if there's no plan on the horizon.

Five months into you, on a Wednesday, I woke up with no idea how drastically my life was about to change. I woke up thinking you would look one way, and went to bed with no idea how you were going to turn out.

Let me just tell you, you have been wonderful.

You've also been terrible, sure. But I won't hold that against you. Because you taught me so, so much.

You reminded me to not sweat the small stuff, because in the long run, it truly does not matter. You taught me that not all friendships are forever, and that's okay. You taught me that marriage is the greatest gift, because it is forever. You taught me what it's like to suddenly have a ton of responsibility, what it's like to work through the hard things and trust that it will all work out.

And sitting here, at the end of you, I have to say, it looks as if it's all worked out.

So thank you. Thank you for being the year that looked absolutely nothing like I thought it would. Thank you for being the year to teach me the things I didn't know I needed to learn. Thank you for being the year to bring me what I didn't know I wanted.

This may be where we say goodbye, but I can't say I'm sad to part ways-not when 2016 is hovering, promising so much, a cracked door that I can't wait to swing wide open and run though.

Goodbye, 2015. I will forever be thankful for you.


  1. Yes to the fresh starts, whenever. I think we live in a society that thinks it has to be a Monday or New Years Day to start something new, but the reality is we can start over at any given moment. Glad you have had such a wonderful year and I'm glad to have found your blog. Happy New Years!

  2. great read! here's to a beautiful 2016 and a happy healthy little man to spend the new year with!!

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  3. 2015 was such a BIG year. I can't wait to see what 2016 is all about!

  4. Happy new year! New beginnings can be some of the best refreshers ever! I am so glad you had a good year and learnt so much about yourself!

  5. You know, my priorities changed a lot too from the beginning of the year to the end. At the beginning, I wanted more than anything to travel every month. And I did. And now, I just want to relax at home. xo

  6. I just went back and read your post about discovering you were pregnant. TOO FREAKING CUTE. Honestly, that's so sweet! I'm glad you've learned so much from 2015. I'm positive 2016 will have some HUGE lessons for you! :)

  7. So many exciting things happened in 2015, and 2016 sounds like it might be even more exciting!

  8. Happy New Year, girl! Hope 2016 brings you wonderful things! :)

  9. 2015 was quite the year! 2016 has some pretty big shoes to fill ;)

  10. You had such a big 2015, but I'm hoping for even better things for y'all in 2016-the safe arrival of Baby Jack and your top residency choice! <3

  11. Such a sweet post, and 2016 is going to be so special for you <3

    Green Fashionista

  12. What a year for you! And even better than you've gotten to document it all on this space.

  13. As if this year wasn't big enough, next year is going to be even more of a game changer!!! :) I'm so happy you included all these links to old posts so I can catch up on things I missed before I knew your blog existed. :)

  14. You have inspired and encouraged me in a number of ways this year, Chelsea!

  15. Awesome post. Great way to finish up 2015! Can't wait to see what's in store for 2016!

  16. Aw this is so great! 2015 definitely taught you so many things! Cheers to 2016!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  17. I just love this!

    I'm glad 2015 gave you so much this year!

  18. This is awesome. I could reread this when I'm having a funky day. I just read your post about discovering your pregnant and it makes me laugh. So many tests!! I don't blame you haha.

  19. Such exciting things coming in the New Year for you! That's exactly how I feel about how the year not looking anything like how I expected, but sometimes it goes even better. Lesson learned. Happy for you!

  20. What a great year for you. And in 2016 your little one will be here. SO CRAZY and SO exciting! Happy New Year friend! XO

  21. Love this! 2015 was a big year for you! I'm excited to hear more about your adventures in 2016. :)


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