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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sometimes Christmas is Just the Best Gift of All.

Monday night, we had our annual Christmas date. Chris picked me up at the door of our apartment with flowers...something that doesn't really happen anymore once you live together! We saw Love, The Coopers, listened to Christmas music, went shopping, walked around the mall with the giant Christmas was a magical night, and it was my favorite.

It made me think of how much I love Christmas and everything that comes with it-the parties, the music, the anticipation, the time we get to spend with people we love. Those are the things that make Christmas so magical for me.

Sneaking around the mall, trying to buy each other gifts without being spotted, and then laughing and sneaking a kiss when you get caught...that's why I love Christmas. And no matter what gift I could have found for Chris, or what present he could have bought for me, nothing could possibly beat out the feeling of happiness that the date night brought me.

Sometimes, I can feel discouraged about gifts and having a smaller Christmas. Having a baby and having residency interviews all around the Christmas season doesn't leave a lot of money left to go on shopping sprees for the perfect gifts. But then moments like Monday night happen, and I remember that Christmas is the best gift. The running around and the music and the family and the cheer....regardless of what's under the tree, there's no way it could beat out the magic of the season.

So cheers to celebrating Christmas for the next two weeks-to enjoying it for the gift that it is.


  1. What a wonderful date!! I really need to do this with my husband! =)

    Thank you for the motivation to feel the Christmas magic! =)

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  2. Awww this is such a sweet post! Last night, my boyfriend and I ate Mexican food and watched a Christmas-themed episode of The Muppets and I thought, "Now, THIS is what Christmas is all about." :)

    Lauren :)

  3. Aaaaamen, we don't have much extra money this year, but the moments we spend with each other make me the happiest. These memories and moments are the best things that no amount of money can buy!

  4. This is so sweet! And very true! I think sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in trying to have the "perfect" Christmas, but really the memories of doing the little things are the most important.

  5. What a fun surprise and night out. Y'all look so cute!

  6. You guys are the cutest! I love that you still go on regular dates.

  7. What fun! I love that he picked you up at the door :)

  8. my favorite thing is getting hot cocoa and checking out holiday decorations with my husband :) love traditions!

  9. This is just wonderful! I'm so glad that this season brings you so much joy & happiness. It's just the best!

  10. Christmas definitely makes everything just a little more fun :)

  11. Sounds like such a fun date! You're right-just spending time together around Christmas is the best gift of all. :)

  12. At the door with flowers?! The cutest! Dating while married can definitely prove to be challenging in lots of way---surprises like that being one.

    I always find myself nodding in agreement with your posts. This one was another great reminder about the best part of this time of year!

  13. I love the idea of having a Christmas date and that Christmas is enough. A great reminder, Chelsea!

  14. So very well said! It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season and trying to make everything perfect that we forget that it's about spending time with family and friends that is the true gift.

  15. Such a sweet date night! I love it :)

  16. This just sounds so lovely!!! My husband and I talk about having a date night... but taking the time to do that is something we struggle with!

  17. Ah sounds like a great way to just enjoy the season! Love, The Coopers is on my list! Did you like it?

    xx katie // a touch of teal

  18. I love this idea. We've done this once or twice before at Target :) Not with the flowers though, how sweet!


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