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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dear You: A Christmas Letter.

Dear You,

I hope that this Christmas season has been-and continues to be-one for the books. I hope it has been full of magic and cheer and that the next two weeks are filled to the brim the best kind of hustle and bustle.

I hope that this year finds your surrounded by people who love you fiercely-whether that's family or friends that have become your family. 

I hope you take time to savor each moment, even the busy ones. I hope you remind yourself of what Christmas is really all about, and that you celebrate each and every day to the fullest. 

I hope that-in the midst of the madness and hurting in the world-you allow yourself to believe in magic this year. It's Christmas, after all. If there's any magic left in the world, it can be found in Christmas. So this week, allow yourself some wonder and excitement over the little things.

I hope that no matter how full your to-do list is, no matter how long your to-buy list is, no matter how quickly your bank account is shrinking, no matter how many obligatory gatherings you have to choose to be happy instead of stressed. 

I hope that if this Christmas is hard for you this year because of someone you lost in 2015, that you tell someone. I hope that you choose joy over grief and precious memories over tears.

I hope that every single day left in December brings you unexpected joys, both big and small. I hope you learn to look for these joys, learn to delight in the small things like a cup of coffee in a Christmas mug, or the sight of little kids seeing Santa for the first time. I hope you pass that joy on to others, in the forms of gifts and smiles and Merry Christmas greetings.

I hope you do whatever it is that you want to do this Christmas. I hope you don't fall victim to the pressures of having a pinterest-perfect Christmas, and I hope you don't feel guilted by the articles that shame you for having anything other than a minimalistic Christmas. I hope you find what is just right for you and yours, and that you celebrate in the way that makes you the happiest.

I hope that your Christmas is truly merry and bright, that it is filled with happiness and magic and all things festive, that it overflows with love and glitter, and that you feel the happiest you've felt in a long time.

I hope that you laugh at Will Ferrell parading around Central Park in yellow tights, that you tear up a little when Linus reads the Christmas story, and that you fall asleep each night warm, happy, and full of magic in the glow of a Christmas tree.

I hope that this Christmas is nothing short of magical for you. Merry, merry Christmas. 



  1. merry christmas! i hope that you enjoy spending Christmas with that husband and belly-baby of yours before finally getting to meet the little one in a few weeks!

  2. Hope you have a Merry Christmas! You right so beautifully!

  3. this is beautiful!!! I hope the same for all of you!!
    Just think, next year you'll be sharing this magical season with a little one and there's literally nothing like it!

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  4. Your blog is so appropriately named with The Girl Who Love To Write because you write the most beautiful things! Is it weird if I was getting sappy and teary reading this post? Because this line, " If there's any magic left in the world, it can be found in Christmas." <------YES! So much magic around this time of year, and we just have to take the time to fine it and embrace it.

  5. I love this letter. It's so important to choose happy over stressed. Enjoy your last Christmas as a 2-some!

  6. *sigh* gorgeous xx And a merry Christmas to you, too! x

  7. I wish and hope the SAME for you, beautiful lady! I believe that magic happens around Christmas.

  8. Merry Christmas! I hope you're enjoying a magical Christmas season too!

  9. This is great! Merry Christmas!

  10. Same to you, dear! Merry Christmas!

  11. This is so sweet! Merry Christmas girl! Hope it's amazing! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  12. Merry Christmas! What a special year for you :) Thanks for sharing this.

  13. What a beautiful letter -- I love it!! Merry Christmas, pretty lady! XO

  14. RIGHT back at you! The sure fire way for me to feel fulfilled at Christmas is to take time to read the REAL Christmas story and to talk about it with my kiddos. This truly is a magical, miraculous time of year!
    Also, I am going to take your advice right now and instead of putting Alexa in her crib for a nap, I'll just hold her while she sleeps. This doesn't happen enough.

  15. Love this so much! Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas season!

  16. So cute!! Definitely have Elf saved to watch soon!

  17. This is such a sweet post! Its so true that we mustn't compare our holidays to the perfect ones we see on Pinterest because we never truly know what is going on behind the camera. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Merry Christmas to you and yours! I absolutely love this and think a lot of people need this reminder.

    ​​xx katie // a touch of teal

  19. Love this letter! I've really made it a point to be happy instead of stressed this year and it's been a really great holiday season. :) Merry Christmas!


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