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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Goodbye March, Hello April.

I usually don't think too much about a month ending, but this month has been one that I'm going to remember forever. It was so full, and while I usually find myself wondering how the month went by so fast, it feels like it's been years since March first.

So goodbye, March. 

Goodbye, Match Day.

Goodbye, having so many questions about the future.

Goodbye, rainy weather (hopefully!).

Goodbye, baby's first Easter!

Goodbye to the stress, pressure, and anxiety that comes with having no idea where your next chapter will be taking place.

Goodbye to the month that taught me that I can do anything, that home is who I'm with, and that as long as I have Chris and Jack and Gatsby, I have everything.

Hello, April.

Hello, house hunting!

Hello, dreaming about life in Gainesville.

Hello, birthday month!

Hello, purple hair.

Hello, to being able to look forward to the future and actually knowing where it will take place.

March was full and long and difficult and wonderful, and I have a feeling April is going to be even better.

Goodbye, March 2016. I will remember you forever.

What are you saying hello and goodbye to this month?


  1. Ooo hello purple hair!!!! I'm so happy your happy about your match!! How exciting!! Best wishes on the house hunting!!!

    I'm excited for all the parties I have to go to in April!!! It's going to be a fun month I know it!! =)

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  2. March was such a game changer for you- April has got to feel so fresh and new and exciting! It really is the start of the next chapter and I LOVE your adventurous hair for this adventurous time! So gorgeous!

  3. I hope April brings you more time to relax also! March seemed just too stressful, so a month to just enjoy would be great!

  4. OMG LOVE YOUR HAIR girl...yay for new adventures!

  5. Hello to a wonderfully beautiful month of April! I'm so loving that purple!

  6. Nice hair! I like that lip color too.

    Birthday month!!

  7. I love, love, LOVE your purple hair! I'm so happy that March has taught you so many good things, and that you have so much to look forward to!

  8. Yay for purple! It's perfect for Spring. Happy April :)

  9. I'm so happy for your match and the April you have coming! I'm ready to say goodbye to a virus-filled March and hello to a vacation in April!

  10. Hello Birthday month to you and me both! ;) AND LOVING that hair girlfriend!!

  11. Yay! Gainesville and house hunting and purple hair!! It's going to be an awesome month!

  12. Your hair! Looking gorgeous, lady! :) Happy house hunting!

  13. So many exciting things coming your way! I can completely relate to the joy of having Match Day behind you. Residency will fly by!

  14. Yay for pastel hair, this is such a fun look for spring!

  15. I always love these posts of yours! I recreated one of my own this afternoon and gave you 100% credit for the idea, so I hope you don't mind :) Loving your hair and so happy for you guys! My parents just visited Gainesville for a wedding this last weekend and my mom was like "would you be mad if we moved? It's so beautiful there!" XOXO

  16. House hunting is so much fun!! Even after having a house I can't stop looking on Zillow everyday lol

  17. I can't imagine how light you must feel! Enjoy April and that purple hair. ;-)

  18. How gorgeous is that lipstick and purple hair on you! Yayyyy for house hunting, and yay for staying Floridians :-D
    Green Fashionista

  19. You had a very full Match but your April sounds pretty great! House hunting is so fun! Good luck in your search!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  20. Love the purple hair! And so exciting about house hunting and for finally having answers about where you'll be living - that has to be such a relief!

  21. I loooooove the hair! Again, I love how positive you are about life! It's always great to read your blog.

  22. Lots of changes coming up for you! Glad the stressful match month is behind you! Love the hair! :)

  23. I love your hair! So cute! And house hunting! That's exciting. :)


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