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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I'm Just So Proud of Us.

I woke up today still on cloud nine from our exciting news this weekend. Also, apparently happy news turns me into the kind of person who says things like "over the moon excited" and "on cloud nine." So there's that. But really-I'm just so happy.

I got up to get my coffee and cried actual tears of joy while it was brewing. Usually, any tears that happen before coffee are most definitely not fueled by joy, so that's saying something. I was just so overjoyed by the thought of how far we've come.

What kicked my tears off at the Match Day ceremony was the dean talking about the white coat ceremony-the first medical school event (almost 4 years ago) where all the students received their first white coats. She talked about the emotion of that day, and I cried, because I was there with Chris, and I remember that day so well. And on Match Day, at the emotional, full-circle event, I was there with him again. We've been together through it all, and I'm so proud of us.

I woke up feeling so celebratory. We should celebrate! There should be champagne! And shopping! And movies! And cake! Then I felt silly, because Match Day was Friday, and we've already celebrated.

And then I felt stupid for feeling silly over that.

Because dreams coming true is worth celebrating. Sticking it out through the hard times is worth celebrating. Reaching your goals and not losing your mind in the process is worth celebrating. A good relationship is worth celebrating.

Guys, I think you should take time to be proud of yourself. Of your accomplishments. Of your relationships. You are amazing, and you are worth celebrating.

So bring on the champagne and the cake. Today, tomorrow, next month. I'm so proud of us, and that is worth celebrating.


  1. i am SO happy for you all! :) go enjoy champs, shopping, movies and cake {love that!} and baby jack snuggles

  2. YES>>> Preach! Dreams ARE worth celebrating...especially ones that are accomplished that are this big. So happy for you guys!

  3. PS- are you sure you just had a baby?! You two look great...beautiful pic!

  4. PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I'm always down for champagne & cake! Enjoy the continued celebrations :)

  6. first of all, you look AMAZING! and congrats to the hubs! I'm so glad it worked out.

  7. Yes to celebrating. Little thing and big things!! I discovered your blog a few months ago and love reading your adventures.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Bring out that champagne! You absolutely deserve it and you deserve to celebrate as much as you want! Celebrations tends to last weeks or longer in my house ;)

  10. You should absolutely still celebrate! Celebrate until you can't celebrate anymore!

  11. Definitely celebrate in your happiness, no matter what! Can we talk about how cute you looked for Match Day?! Love your outfit.

  12. I think that you're just too cute. And I love that you're still running on happiness from LAST WEEK! That's so awesome!

  13. I really love this upbeat message. I think we can all use some celebration in our everyday life. You shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to linger in happiness, in fact we should do it more often. You two look great. I'm so happy for you :)

    Love, Eline

  14. SO EXCITING! Congratulations to both of you. And, thank you so much for this post—it's a great reminder that our wins in life (both big and small!) are worth some celebrating.

    Kat :)

  15. What a sweet post and message for your little family. You will have an amazing experience in your new city and I can't wait to follow along!

  16. Definitely ALWAYS something to celebrate in life- no matter how big or small! And this one seems like a PRETTY big deal so pop the bubbly! :) :) :)

  17. Amen Amen Amen!! Never stop celebrating---big or small things! That's what life is all about.

  18. LOVE this-- and your outfit! It's so cute!

  19. You should be so proud!! You deserve all kinds of celebrations! What a huge milestone :)

  20. Agreed! Congrats again to you two! So exciting :)

  21. Definitely agreed! Y'all deserve to celebrate for such a great accomplishment and for being matched!

  22. I just got teary-eyed reading this post! I can imagine how teary you must be in person!

  23. Congrats! Such an exciting time. Celebrate whenever you want, for as along as you want. You guys deserve it :)

  24. So exciting!! Congratulations...and celebrate as much as you can!! Such an accomplishment! PS What a fantastic picture of you both!

  25. How did you just have a baby? You are one hot mama! Love the outfit! :) I'm so glad you are over the moon excited! :)

  26. Yay!! Your genuine happiness is spilling out all over this post. Love love love it!

  27. Congratulations! Definitely something to be proud of! Ps did you have a baby a few months ago or what? You look fabulous!

  28. Very happy for you guys! And your outfit is just too cute!

  29. There is no need to feel silly! You have so many exciting things on the horizon -- celebrate, girl! XOXO

  30. So happy for you guys!!!!

  31. HELL YES to cake and champagne and all the proud feelings! I'm so in love with this for you!! So happy for you guys!

  32. I'm so happy for you!! I love all the positivity coming off your blog lately! It's definitely contagious. :)

  33. So happy for you all! You definitely can celebrate anytime, any day! :)

  34. I totally believe in celebrating all of life's accomplishments, big and small. I recently got my dream job and celebrated for a week straight, no shame! Pop the champagne, you both deserve it!

  35. Chels! I am still so excited for you! God loves to delight us! I am so excited you are going to be close by...lets get our babes together soon xoxo

  36. Love this! Because I agree. You should totally celebrate. Who says you can only celebrate once or for a set period of time? I think you should keep celebrating until you decide you're over it!

  37. I am in awe of your ability to wear a crop top (cut out?) mere weeks after having a baby!!!


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