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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Spending Your March: A To-Do List For Adventuring Through The Month.

1. Start planning a mini summer vacation.

2. Rent all the movies in a series and spend the weekend watching them. My suggestion: Oceans 11, 12, and 13.

3. Take your coffee to-go and watch the sunrise. 

4. Donate the winter clothes you never even wore this winter.

5. Make a dinner out of tiny appetizers. 

6. Do some spring cleaning. Try your hand at the 27-fling boogie.

7. Follow the warm weather to a farmer's market!

8. Drive to the nearest beach (or lake!) and spend the day by the water.

9. Make this queso. It legitimately tastes exactly like Chili's.

10. Get in the St. Patrick's Day Spirit by making other people have a lucky day. Pay for someone's coffee, give someone else the best parking spot, etc.

11. Try a new brand/flavor of coffee. 

12. Take a look at your New Years Goals. Revise if necessary.

13. Make it a point to spend some time outside on every sunny day.

14. Make your own flavored water. Experiment with different fruits and herbs until you find something you love!

15. Take up running. Or pilates. Or whatever fitness thing you're always talking about wanting to get into.

16. Make green drinks. 

17. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

18. Go wine tasting.

19. Make someone an Easter basket. 

20. If you have a backyard, set up a hammock. If you don't, get a blanket you can take outside to soak up the sunshine.

21. Buy a new outfit for Easter. 

22. Download Audible.

23. Mail someone a card. 

24. Go to the gym.

25. Dye Easter eggs.

26. Try a new brunch place.

27. Celebrate Easter.

28. Hit up the discounted Easter candy. Jelly beans forever.

29. Make a spring reading list.

30. Tell someone why you're thankful for them.

31. Buy yourself fresh flowers.

How will you be spending your March?


  1. Yesss to the Oceans movies!! :) What a fun list!!

  2. This is an AWESOME list! And I've already done one of the things--I took my coffee to go and watched the sunrise this morning!

  3. I definitely plan on donating all the clothes I didn't wear this winter, I have about two huge bins that I thought I'd wear, but never did. Great list (as always!)

  4. The Oceans movies are SO good :) Jared keeps wanting me to watch the Lord of the Rings series with him, maybe now's the time ;) I also cannot WAIT for our farmer's market to open back up with their spring/summer hours, hooray!

  5. I can't wait until the farmers markets start up again.

  6. Fun list! It's my birthday month so I just may treat myself to some of these simple pleasures! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love this! Dinner out of tiny appetizers? DOWN.

  8. I'm always in the mood to start planning our next trip, and wine tasting is seriously the best! I could go wine tasting all the time!

  9. love these ideas. I actually just sent my parents a postcard today! and of course wine tasting and a hammock always sound like a good idea, preferably together. :)

  10. oooh love the movies one, i don't think i've seen all the ocean movies so i might just do that.

  11. Love all of these March suggestions. Binge watching a movie series sounds right up my alley.

  12. I read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and it has totally inspired my spring cleaning! I will definitely be hitting up the discounted Easter candy too :)

  13. I look forward to your lists on the first of the month :) I love so many of these.

  14. Oh that queso looks amazing, thanks for sharing this list!

  15. I love love love flavored water and really enjoyed trying new flavors this past summer. I am excited to make some new combinations and hopefully grow some of my own herbs! Easter is my favorite, so I'm especially excited for March this year!

  16. A great list. Will surely make my March more fun and meaningful. :)

  17. OH these are just such great ideas!!!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  18. I've already done 1, 15 and 23! :) I love this list! I'll have to try more.

  19. I think it's a great idea to revisit your new year's resolutions! Also, I must try that queso...yum!

  20. Oooh I love this list! I love the idea of taking your coffee outside...especially when those spring mornings kick in! I've never seen the Oceans movies! I'll have to check them out!

  21. This is so fun! I'm going to try to get started and check some of these off! Love to-do lists, love them even more when they're FUN! :)
    Shea |

  22. I like the movie idea... my first thought was Harry Potter (I wouldn't have to rent those, of course), but your idea is probably more realistic for a weekend. :)


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