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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pay Attention to The Little Joys.

I have watched The Princess Diaries entirely too much in my lifetime. I haven't seen in it years, but thanks to middle school, I could probably still quote the entire thing.

There's a scene in the movie where they're singing a song at choir practice: "Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day." And lately, as silly as it is and as long as it's been since I've seen the movie, that song has been popping into my head. When something good happens, I hear Mia's rebel best friend singing, "Save it for a rainy day." 

Life is so full of little joys. A hot cup of coffee, making it to work on time even though you left the house late, a stranger giving you a compliment, the perfect combination of sunshine and a good breeze. I think what happens most of the time is that these things make us happy for just a second or two, and then we forget all about them. We smile in the moment, but then we move on, leaving whatever happy thing happened in that moment.

I've been trying to pay more attention to the little joys, because heaven knows I certainly pay enough attention to the things that go wrong.

So when good things happen-an extra 15 minutes of sleep or a really pretty sunset or an unexpectedly good movie turns into a new favorite-that song plays in my head, and I think about saving all of those happy little moments.

Because we all know that when a string of bad little things happen, we can name each and every incident of bad luck. So let's do the same with the good luck days, too. The little joys, the slices of happy that make life good. Catch them and hold onto them. Save them for a rainy day.


  1. I love this thought! It's so important to appreciate and love the little things, it truly makes you appreciate the greater things that come your way!


  2. So true. And in the end, those little things are what we will hold on to the most, the things that take up the most room in our hearts. Today I'm holding onto baby smiles in the morning, even though I want nothing more than to go back to bed.

  3. I think I might have to dig out my VCR because I have Princess Diaries on VHS!! Such a great movie and such a great message today dear! The little things are the best!!! =)

    Have a great day lady! Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  4. Love this, love this, love this. I've been storing up quite moments with my husband and family as we start our new adventure. I know when I'm lonely in a new place I"ll want those shining starts in my pocket. What a beautiful post.

  5. Thank you for the reminder. And I love that song. I am now singing it. Thanks for making me smile today.

  6. I love thinking of the little joys like this...we sang that song in elementary school. Loved it!

  7. I love this idea! Lately life has been full of bad moments, but sometimes a little sunshine peaks through the clouds and everything is good again for a moment or two. We need to stop dwelling on the bad stuff and start remembering the good stuff. Xx

  8. I love The Princess Diaries- especially the second one :) This is a great thought- I'm always thinking of the bad things but it'd be nice to fall asleep remembering the great events from the day!

  9. I love The Princess Diaries! You're so right about trying to remember all of the small things that always give us so much joy because you never know when you might want to remember them.

  10. I love this! I've been trying to remember to find all the little joys every day -- even when it's all chaotic & crazy!

  11. So cute! I feel like your blog is always so positive! Love it! :)

  12. I love all of the little joys you named. "The perfect combination of sunshine and a good breeze" is my favorite. Such an important reminder to be present and enjoy the little things.

  13. This is such a great reminder! I read ALL the Meg Cabot Princess books and loved the movie, too!

  14. This is so good! I love those movies:) I've been focusing on the little things and the little steps lately as well and it has brought so much joy back into my life! Keep saving up those happy moments for those rainy days!

  15. Love that movie--especially because of her name ;) I try and remember the little things too, like catching a great sunrise on my drive to work or making it out in time to see a perfect sunset, and getting to be home some days to greet Ethan when he gets off the bus--things like that are priceless to me!

  16. Such a great post. I am also a huge Princess Diaries fan and love this song. I always try and find at least one or two things from the day that were special to me. Always helps!


  17. I love this! Finding the positive is the best way to live life! Bad things happen and they're easy to notice, but the second you start seeing the sunshine, life feels a little better. :)

  18. This is so true! Good reminder. ALSO, unrelated but when are you going to post part 2 of the birth story???? Did you and I just missed it like a dork?

  19. I love that movie, song, and your post today! We must enjoy the little things in life!

  20. I couldn't agree more, Chelsea! Life is about cherishing every moment <3

    Edye //

  21. There's so much truth to finding the little things in life to hang onto - they make each day wonderful (and bearable sometimes, ha)!

  22. I love this! It's so true. We need to enjoy every moment... even the little things.


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