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Monday, March 28, 2016

Chase it Anyway.

I was reminiscing this week about the first year Christopher and I were married. We lived in a two bedroom apartment, which, in comparison to the studio we've been living in, seems huge. We used the second bedroom as an office and both had desks in there. His was clean and organized and professional, mine was messy and creative and usually covered in some type of glitter.

Nights and weekends were time off for me, but since there's not really a lot of time off in med-school, we spent a lot of those times in that room. Him studying, me writing. We would stay up late-he would study infectious diseases, learning symptoms and medicine and the like, and I would plan stories and plotlines and characters' names. We were both burning the midnight oil, chasing our own dreams in our own ways.

I don't have a desk anymore.

It was one of the things that had to go when we moved to our downtown studio.

When I got pregnant with Jack, late nights spent throwing caution to the wind and just dreaming and creating without any other responsibilities...well, those had to go, too.

Two years later, almost nothing in my life looks the same-including what chasing dreams looks like. Two years ago, it looked like late nights and free time spent at a glitter-covered desk. Now, it looks a little more like typing ideas into the notes app on my phone while I feed Jack. I am, ironically, typing this with one hand while I hold him with the other. 

I'm learning that just because what chasing the dream looks like may change doesn't mean the dream changes. It doesn't mean it's time to let go of the dream. The dream is very much alive, which means it is still so very important to chase it.

So here's to chasing dreams, no matter what that looks like. Here's to chasing them even when it looks nothing like you thought it would.

You are so important. Your dreams are so important.

Sometimes, what chasing the dream looks like may change. Chase it anyway. 

What dream are you chasing right now?


  1. I love this. While our dreams may change, it's important to still have them and dream big. Love love love! I'm working on a children's book. It's a big dream of mine and I'm not positive where to start but getting ideas out there is still so exciting to me!

  2. You have such a beautiful way with words! Love this post! :) Saving it for when I need a good reminder about dream chasing!

  3. love love love this. this is so spot on!!

  4. I'm ridiculously impressed that you can form and write these thoughts while multi-tasking with an infant :) What a great message!

  5. Love this! Also, I love the fact that your desk was covered in glitter lol

  6. Love this so much! My dreams have changed so much, but that doesn't mean I don't have any! :)

  7. Just what I needed to hear :) Let's keep chasing dreams, always. It doesn't matter what format.

  8. Such a great and well thought out post. No one can map out their life or knows exactly what's coming so having flexible dreams that adjust and grow as you do is key!

  9. Needed this today! I've got dreams that sometimes I get "tired" of chasing but then I remember that there's no reason to ever give up on 'em! :)

  10. Your posts always give me major feels and force me to look at the hard things I've been thinking about. Our dreams have been changing a lot lately and although it's not what we had planned right now, it's okay if our dream changes.

  11. Love this! It's so important to remember that even though things may change, doesn't mean that you have to give up what your dream and wish for!

  12. This is so, so true. It's crazy how dreams can change. And I had to laugh at this part, because I've totally been there and done that (and I'm still doing through it since I'm still nursing my second baby): "Now, it looks a little more like typing ideas into the notes app on my phone while I feed Jack."

  13. I was recently having a discussion with this same sentiment, though you phrased it so much more poetically. I was telling a friend that sometimes your dreams and ambitions change and you aren't always betraying who you are and what you're about just by changing and evolving. I know over the years some of the dreams I've realized have been bigger than I've ever imagined, I've let go of some of the dreams that no longer suit me and I've re-envisioned some of the dreams as well. Great post lovely girl!

  14. This is everything. I hope you keep writing and keep chasing no matter what ;)

  15. This is beautiful, and I love this so much. Our lives may constantly change but that doesn't mean we have to give up on our dreams. Great post!

  16. Love this! Both the glittered covered desk and holding that sweet baby boy in your arms sound like pure happiness <3
    Green Fashionista

  17. Love! I always remind myself that just because dreams can change, that isn't necessarily a bad thing!

  18. Love this Chelsea! If you keep chasing your dreams they soon become a reality!

  19. You always seem to know what i need to hear... dreams do change and things get in the way, but you're always important!

  20. Love this! It's so important to never stop dreaming, even if things change along the way!

  21. This is so great! Your blog is always so full of positivity and inspiration! I love it.

  22. I needed this piece of encouragement today!

  23. love this so much! beautifully said and so very true that we can keep the dream (actually we MUST) but we may have to get creative about how to go about it!


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