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Friday, March 11, 2016

Hello to The Most Stressful Seven Days Ever.

One week from today, Christopher will open a box that will determine where the next chapter of our lives will be taking place.

If you're wondering how I'm handling that stress and uncertainty and such a big change hovering, I'll just go ahead and tell you: NOT WELL.

Since we turned the list in, I've tried handling this a few different ways.

First: Pretend it's not happening. If I don't think about it, I won't stress about it. Wrong. 

Next: Think about it too much. Question everything. Rethink the entire last year of my life. Not a good strategy. 

Third: Back to ignoring it. Still not working. 

Up next: Look at houses in every single town that's even a remote possibility on the list. Become instantly overwhelmed at all the options. Pass. 

Fifth: Talk to Gatsby and Jack about this for entirely too long before realizing that neither one of them is ever going to talk back and I am, in fact, going crazy.

Back to ignoring it. 

If you need me at any point over the next seven days, I'll be somewhere in between pretending I'm fine and carefree and stress eating my way through Orlando.

Happy Friday, everybody.


  1. Yeah, I tried that whole Zillow all the places method too last year, and it was a major fail. I'm overwhelmed enough trying to find a place to live when we move in June, and I know the area! These seven days will be over soon, and then you can celebrate! :)

  2. Here's to hoping that the next seven days fly by for y'all and that you get a wonderful placement!

  3. I am obsessed with looking at houses in other towns and we are not even remotely close to ever hahah so I can help you take on that task if need be! ;) hang in there and I hope things work out exactly how you'd like them to! Good luck! :)

  4. This is how I deal Every. Single. Time I am waiting to find out where we are moving next. Hang in there! You got this.

  5. OMG! I cant wait to see where you guys go! It is going to be amazing! When I am stressed about a future unknown I think about worst possible scenarios and then reassure myself it wont be that. For example, I know you hate the cold - so when you feel stressed just keep in mind that you are not going to be moving to Alaska or the North Pole. Try to keep things in perspective. I know that is way easier said than done though.

  6. Praying these next 7 days fly by for you! So excited for you to find out!

  7. Thinking happy thoughts for you!!! What are some of the towns that he might end up?

  8. I know you'll be happy when this whole thing is over with! I hope this next week flies by.

  9. Hoping the next 7 days fly by for you, and that you'll find some peace leading up to the big day. *hugs* gurlie <3

  10. This is how I felt waiting for my first duty station. And then we got Colorado. Just know, wherever you are, awesome new adventures await!

  11. Okay it is totally stressful but also EXCITING! I can't wait to hear where your adventures will lead you!

  12. What an exciting new chapter. Being stress is definitely allowed. I look forward to hearing where you guys will be headed.

  13. I feel so bad that this time is so stressful for your family. I really hope you get a match to someplace awesome. A place you will feel at home with early on. Fingers crossed for you.

  14. The seven days will fly by!!! What an exciting time in life, new baby and soon to be new city! Now keep talking to Jack and Gatsby about it---as long as you don't start thinking that they're responding ;)

  15. All you can do is keep breathing...! I would be doing all of those things, plus making a list of all of the things I wanted to do in my current town before leaving (although hopefully it would be short!) and probably the top 3 restaurants in each of the possible cities to give myself something to look forward to. ;) You will be fine and these days will seem long but also whiz by before you know it - and then you will have plenty to keep you occupied as you get ready to move. GOOD LUCK!! Relish the transitional moments. Big transitions only happen so many times in our lives and I'm a firm believer in change being healthy and bringing excitement into our lives. Moving back to the US from the UK was soooo anxiety-filled and adjusting took time but it has certainly been exciting and adventurous!! =)

  16. Eeeee!! Such a scary time,I can't even imagine, but you will be fine!! It's definitely got to be very hard to not know what's next, but I'm certain it will work out no matter what!

  17. You can do it! I can imagine I would do the same thing.. Don't know which city? Better research houses in all of them! A week is a short time, I believe you will make it.

  18. Ooh, Match Day is coming up! Good luck! I hope you guys end up somewhere wonderful.

  19. Such a scary exciting time! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am wondering if you read my daughter's blog? ( I feel like you might enjoy it. My son-in-law is in his second year of residency (went to med school courtesy of the Army so match day was stressful, but they do find out earlier than non-military docs). Good luck to you in this next new season! I've moved a lot, and home is where you make it, so have fun with this next adventure!

  20. Scary AND exciting moments are the best and worst, aren't they? Try to take a deep breath and get ready for a new adventure!

  21. Being stressed is definitely normal, but think of all the exciting new adventures! You'll end up somewhere great! :)

  22. wishing you lots of good sleep this week, lots of deep breaths, and hoping the 7 days fly by!


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