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Monday, March 14, 2016

Letters to Jack: Two Months.

My sweet little love,

I'm holding you as I write this. You're staring up at me with wide eyes and your hands under your chin, like you're thinking. I know in a few minutes, you'll start making a case for more breakfast, but for now the house is quiet and it's just me and you, hanging out and having coffee like buddies.

That's really how the last two months have been-enjoying life with my best friend and you, our new little best friend. This month, especially, has been so much fun. I feel like you've had your own personality from day one, but I've gotten to see so much of that this month. Your smiles are way more frequent and less accidental-you smile whenever we rub your head. You've started sticking your tongue out and you make this little chirping noises that I think will one day turn into a laugh.

You had a lot of big adventures this month-you went to the beach, to brunch with our friends, to the mall, to a fancy banquet, to many, many pool days. You're such an easy baby, we've just taken you everywhere and had the best time doing it.

This weekend was rough. You had your first vaccines and you got hurt for the first time-a scratch on your perfect little face. Both times you screamed, and both times it felt like my heart was going to shatter right inside of me.

After your shots, we snuggled you so much. I promised you that as soon as you were old enough, I was going to take you for ice cream to make up for this crappy day. I also told you that on the bright side, you wouldn't be getting polio. I know you couldn't understand that, but I hope you felt loved anyway.

I know it would be normal to end this by saying "I can't believe you're two months old already!" but that wouldn't be true. I can believe that, because I have spent every single day enjoying you and soaking up all that this stage of life has to offer. Time isn't racing by, because me and you, we're getting all we can get out of life. The good days and the long days and the hard days, we're living them all. Two months down, and it's been the best.

Happy two months, Jack Jacobs. I continue to be convinced that you are the best thing that has ever happened in the history of this world. I look forward to so many more months of just living life with you.

Love you forever. xo


  1. This is so sweet! Wow I can't believe he's 2 months already either, time really is flying! That picture is so precious, those eyelashes!! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  2. Aw this is so sweet! I'm sure one day he will really enjoy reading these letters :) I always hated getting vaccinations for my babies too-broke my heart when they cried :(

  3. That is so sweet. I'm glad to hear you are able to have fun during this time and he seems so active.

  4. I mean that little sweet face is really all you need! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. He is too cute! I miss those mornings at home curled up with my baby. Enjoy every second!

  6. That picture is too cute! And life with your best friend and mini best friend is just the best, isn't it?!

  7. Ah! You love him so much and it shows that you are soaking up every day! Also, look at those eyelashes!

  8. Oh my gosh two months already!? Where has the time gone!!! PS: He is ADORABLE!

  9. He is such a sweetie!! I'm so glad you're soaking in these wonderful days with a new little sidekick and enjoying every second of it :)

  10. Happy Two Months, Jack! I can't believe time is flying this fast! I love these letters you write to him every month. It's going to make for a very special time when you can share them with him one day.

  11. He is precious;) My two babies are two of my best friends, and have been since birth. There are no other people (with my husband included!), who I'd rather hang out with. Happy two months, Jack!

  12. Wow! Two months already? Time flies! What a cutie :)

  13. That smile and those eyelashes! He is so adorable. I love that you are soaking up every day with him.

  14. Such a sweet letter! My goodness, that smile is precious!

  15. Every day it gets more fun! He's just the cutest!

  16. Two months already, oh Jack you're growing so fast! I love your letters...the sweetest Mama!

  17. aww, chirping noises! man it has been a long time since i have been to your blog. so many happy changes!!! CONGRATS on your beautiful baby Jack!! I am so so glad for your exuberant happiness. :)

  18. So sweet! Can't believe he's already 2 months old. It seems like just yesterday you announced you were pregnant!

  19. This post is so sweet and I could totally feel the love you have for him so much that it gave me goosebumps! It's great that you're really enjoying every single day with him!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  20. This is soooo cute! I would love to have letters like this from my mom.

  21. Awww! Look at that sweet baby love!


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