It's no secret that I love books. Maybe more than the average person. I think reading is just the most wonderful thing in the world, and while this little bundle won't be able to read for quite some time, I am so excited to read to him.
We've already started building his library (from vintage bookstores--swoon) and these are some of the books that I just can't wait to read to him.
Goodnight Moon. I feel like everyone had this book growing up. It's so sweet and soothing. I kid you not, sometimes I'll be going through the house turning lights off before bed and will catch myself thinking, "Goodnight room, goodnight moon." Can't wait to read this to our little guy before bed.
Little Bear. My little brother loved Little Bear. We read the books and watched him every Saturday morning. I love the idea that my babe will know some of the same stories me and my brother used to read.
Where the Wild Things are. This is just a given. I love this book and all the imagination involved.
The Berenstain Bears. A family of bears that teaches little kids life-lessons. What's not to love?
The Poky Little Puppy. My little brother went through a baby phase where The Poky Little Puppy (Specifically, the Christmas version) was the only thing that would calm him down when he was upset. Because of this, I feel like me and Poky are tight.
The Little Critter Books. When I was trying to explain to Chris what books I was talking about, I couldn't think of anything because what exactly is the little critter? I thought it was hilarious when i googled them only to find out that they're actually called Little Critter books. Chris and I both read these growing up, so that makes them a must for the little guy's library.
The Giving Tree. I feel like I grew up to be a pretty generous person, and it may sound dumb, but I think a lot of that had to do with these types of stories that I read as a kid!
Make Way for Ducklings. I have the best memories of reading this book to my little brother whenever we spent the night at my grandparents' house.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. At least once a week, Chris says "If you give a mouse a cookie!" About something random. The thought of him and our little guy reading this together just warms my heart.
Corduroy. I truly believed that my stuffed animals came to life at night because of this book. Fostering a child's imagination is a wonderful thing.
Pippi Longstocking. Because everyone needs a rebellious and adventurous role model to look up to, even if she is only 9 years old.
The Lorax. I love Dr. Seuss books because they're colorful and playful and singsongy enough to read to a baby, but they have the best messages! "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
The Rainbow Fish. Just like the giving tree, this taught me about sharing and selflessness.
Daisy-Head Mayzie. My most favorite book of all. There was a time where every single night, my dad would do a magic trick, multiplying my daisy hair clips, and then read me this book.
Oh, the Places You'll Go! Basically, baby needs all of the Dr. Seuss books.
The Wizard of Oz. Because it's just magical.
Do you have any book suggestions for his library?