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Monday, September 7, 2015

Books I Can't Wait to Add to Little's Library.

It's no secret that I love books. Maybe more than the average person. I think reading is just the most wonderful thing in the world, and while this little bundle won't be able to read for quite some time, I am so excited to read to him. 

We've already started building his library (from vintage bookstores--swoon) and these are some of the books that I just can't wait to read to him.

Goodnight Moon. I feel like everyone had this book growing up. It's so sweet and soothing. I kid you not, sometimes I'll be going through the house turning lights off before bed and will catch myself thinking, "Goodnight room, goodnight moon." Can't wait to read this to our little guy before bed.

Little Bear. My little brother loved Little Bear. We read the books and watched him every Saturday morning. I love the idea that my babe will know some of the same stories me and my brother used to read.

Where the Wild Things are. This is just a given. I love this book and all the imagination involved. 

The Berenstain Bears. A family of bears that teaches little kids life-lessons. What's not to love?

The Poky Little Puppy. My little brother went through a baby phase where The Poky Little Puppy (Specifically, the Christmas version) was the only thing that would calm him down when he was upset. Because of this, I feel like me and Poky are tight. 

The Little Critter Books. When I was trying to explain to Chris what books I was talking about, I couldn't think of anything because what exactly is the little critter? I thought it was hilarious when i googled them only to find out that they're actually called Little Critter books. Chris and I both read these growing up, so that makes them a must for the little guy's library.

The Giving Tree. I feel like I grew up to be a pretty generous person, and it may sound dumb, but I think a lot of that had to do with these types of stories that I read as a kid!

Make Way for Ducklings. I have the best memories of reading this book to my little brother whenever we spent the night at my grandparents' house. 

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. At least once a week, Chris says "If you give a mouse a cookie!" About something random. The thought of him and our little guy reading this together just warms my heart.

Corduroy. I truly believed that my stuffed animals came to life at night because of this book. Fostering a child's imagination is a wonderful thing. 

Pippi Longstocking. Because everyone needs a rebellious and adventurous role model to look up to, even if she is only 9 years old. 

The Lorax. I love Dr. Seuss books because they're colorful and playful and singsongy enough to read to a baby, but they have the best messages! "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." 

The Rainbow Fish. Just like the giving tree, this taught me about sharing and selflessness. 

Daisy-Head Mayzie. My most favorite book of all. There was a time where every single night, my dad would do a magic trick, multiplying my daisy hair clips, and then read me this book. 

Oh, the Places You'll Go! Basically, baby needs all of the Dr. Seuss books. 

The Wizard of Oz. Because it's just magical.

Do you have any book suggestions for his library?


  1. Oh, this is so fun! I read Goodnight Moon to my kids from birth on up to about six years old, I can even say it from memory while composing a grocery list in my head, ha. Reading and collecting fave books for your baby is the best, one of my favorites is "Love You Forever", I dare you to not cry while reading it;)

  2. Oh boy (or girl as the case may be). I took such delight in picking books for each of my children's library. I am the original bookworm. I couldn't wait to impart my love of reading to my children. I cherished the time spent at the library with them, story times, watching them develop their own book list and of course the first time they read aloud in the halting staccato recitation. I was more tickled to hear this than to hear their first word. My children were encouraged to read, nurtured with reading, and educated by print. They have had a college level reading ability since they were in Second Grade. Other parents wonder what my secret is. It is not a secret, read, read read and read some more with them. Explore, learn and cultivate. Be a reader too. My kids know I would rather read than watch TV. There is nothing they cannot learn if they know how to read. I love your choices, especially Sidney Sheldon. When the children were babies, sometimes I even read to them what I was reading personally. They didn't know what I was saying. They just knew that they were next to me being cuddled and talked too. A book that is always a hit and is my childhood favorite is Alexander and The No Good HORRIBLE VERY BAD DAY book. I especially suggest ELLA SARA GETS DRESSED by Margaret Chodos-Irvine, I am a little prejudiced she is my cousin, but it is a Caldecutt Medal Winner and was voted favorite book by the children in my literacy promotion charity group. Also, a series of books by David Shannon, called David. They are simple books made with illustrations from the author he drew as a child. I haven't found one child who doesn't love them. Have a wonderful time reading with your child. It is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give.

  3. Chelsea I love your blog! SO excited I just found it and I can't wait to follow along your adventures and your newest adventure with your baby boy!! (Congrats!) Ahhh so fun! These books are so great, I remember when I was little I was obsessed with The Rainbow Fish, Corduroy, Goodnight Moon and The Giving Tree. Such awesome books! Also, another good book that I loved as a child was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. It's perfect for learning the alphabet :)

  4. There's a few books on your list that I've never heard of but most of them bring back so many happy childhood memories. I want to start collecting these for my own library :) If you have any big flea markets near where you live sometimes those are great places to find old books!

  5. Love these books! My FAVORITE children's book is The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear ( ) nobody has ever heard of it, but I promise it is GREAT (and only $5 on Amazon!)

  6. I love ALL of these books!!!!! :D :D :D I've loved reading ever since I was a kid, so these bring back a lot of memories. :)

  7. Excellent choices, Chelsea! The Lorax is a special favorite for my boys. I also really like the Pete the Cat books, they are too cute. :)

  8. i love these books, I am a bit bias as I am a preschool teacher for 2-3year olds.. but I would def recommend chicka cicka boom boom, many of the kids love it. Any potty training books or no more hitting., giraffes can't dance , there are so many good books.

  9. Max Lucado's You Are Special. I read it to R and cried. Twice. OKAY THREE TIMES.

  10. GREAT books! And? Consider the Little Blue Truck series. And the Gruffalo (series)! My dude LOVES those. (Well. Okay. Consider them if you're cool to read them ten times a day when your Little is old enough to ask for them. :) )

  11. Goodnight Moon is my absolute favorite! You have so many good ones here though! I'd add "Love You Forever," "Minou" (I was a cat lover though) and "Are You My Mother?"

  12. I must add "The Jolly Postman" and "Click Clack Moo: Cows that Type" :)

  13. I need to add these books for my little also! Thank you for the amazing choices!!!!

  14. I'm sure everyone already said it, but Love You Forever. And the newish, funny book, Go the F to Sleep! xoxo, ganeeban

  15. Oh the Places You'll Go, one of my favorite books from when I was younger! I can't wait to expose my children to the wonderful words of books!

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld

  16. Great books!!! Any book by Sandra Boynton is adorable and fun for toddlers (fun and easy to sing along or make hand gestures for the stories). My favorites are "The Going To Bed Book" and "Barnyard Dance". Mo Willems has a hilarious series of books about a quirky and grumpy pigeon that's hilarious ("Don't Let The Pigeon Ride The Bus" and "Pigeon Finds A Hot Dog" are my favorites.

  17. I love ALL of these books (except wizard of oz because they've always freaked me out, lol!!) but I can't wait to get these all for our little bean. My brother and I had them all too and loved them so much!


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