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Thursday, September 24, 2015

24 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Remember that one time when somehow I was 6 months pregnant? 

I would just like to take a minute to ask WHY everyone says 9 months of pregnancy when it's 10?! Anyone? That's just a mean trick. 

  • I can watch him move from one side of my stomach to the other. Yes, it's amazing, it's a miracle, but it's also the weirdest thing in the entire world. 
  • This week was the first time I've seen a ton of people I know since it's been very obvious I'm pregnant, so it was also the first time I've had a ton of people just walk up and grab my stomach. NOPE. Not a fan, friends. Not a fan. 
  • I couldn't go to sleep last night, so I got up and cleaned. This is very unlike me, so we're gonna pin it on the baby. I get it kid, you want to come out and live in a clean environment. Messaged received.
24 weeks down, 16(ish) to go. 6 months down, 4 to go. 

Happy first official week of fall! I hope you're celebrating with a fancy fall drink and entirely too much pumpkin. Baby and me certainly are!


  1. I can't believe you are already 6 months!! and yes, I agree, it's weird feeling/seeing them move.

  2. Exciting times! I will never understand the stomach grabbing thing. I haven't had children yet — but, I can only imagine I'm not going to react to strangers grabbing at me that well. Haha!


  3. I get it, the weeks and months timeline is super confusing! I'm at 21 weeks and can feel flutters from baby moving--that definitely feels weird, so I can imagine it's only going to get even more weird!

  4. Cutest photo ever! I wish I had a baby in me to make me get up and clean. My house would be a lot tidier.

  5. The timeline of pregnancy is so weird...I don't understand why people say 9 months instead of 10 either! And I would not be cool about people grabbing at my stomach all the time!

  6. Girl tell me about it on the pregnancy being 10 months not 9. I hated being pregnant. I know I know... cute little baby totally brewing inside me... making me sick 24/7... GET IT OUT! LOL

  7. Eek! Yeah IDK how you're 6 months already either!! (Says the person just reading along ;))

  8. I will never understand why people think it's ok to just touch a pregnant stomach - just no! But yayyyyy for being so close, and seeing little man move around. So exciting :-D

    Green Fashionista

  9. You two are adorable. One of my biggest fears about getting pregnant one day is people touching my stomach. No thanks!

  10. It took me the longest time to figure out that it is really 10 months. My sister in law kept saying that she was at 38 or 39 weeks and I was worried something was wrong because the baby hadn't come out yet. It's just cruel.

  11. Aw, hehe, these are all such lovely things to remember!! <3 How fun to write them out on your blog too, love that! And yes, happy fall, girly! I'm def going pumpkin and all things spiced crazy over here!! xo

    By The Shore

  12. The random belly grabbing. WHY!? Why is that a thing? I love pregnancy, I want to make pregnancy a huge part of my life (as a birth doula), but I would NEVER deign to just grab ANYONE by their ANYTHING. Good grief.

    That aside. The movement thing. I loved that so hard. Such a cool (and really strange) thing! :)

  13. I remember finally "popping" around 6 months and being happy people could tell I was pregnant and not just getting heavier, ha! Feeling the baby move is awesome, but also weird. When you can see an actual foot move across, or lay on your back and have your belly be lopsided? My husband used to be creeped out a bit!

  14. So beautiful! It's pretty awesome how you will be able to look back at the blog and see all the things you went through during your pregnancy! Congrats!!

  15. When my coworker was pregnant, I was like, "It's beautiful and amazing and a miracle, but isn't it a little weird to think about what's happening?" She's like, "Yeah, it feels a little like sci-fi." :) Your first thought made me think of that conversation.

    I love your pregnancy updates!


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