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Thursday, September 3, 2015

21 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

I love Time Hop, and this morning I was thinking that in a few years, my Time Hop will be full of the little guy and all the changes that are happening this year. Then, since I know how far along I am, I started looking through all my pictures trying to see exactly when Little showed up, even if I didn't know. He had been around for three weeks in this picture, and we had no idea. That blows my mind. 

Speaking of my mind being blown: Today is 21 weeks. TWENTY. ONE. As in, only 19 left. 

  • I've reached the point where strangers think it's appropriate to ask about my stomach and it's tenants. Yesterday a woman asked what I was having, and then proceeded to tell me that her first boy looked like a pretty girl until he was 17 and that he couldn't get a girlfriend because he was too feminine, and maybe that will happen to my first son, because I'm pretty, too. Not sure if that's a compliment or a warning. 
  • He's moving so much that I can sometimes see it from the outside. This is both amazing and terrifying.
  • I've been decorating with all things fall this week, and it's crazy to realize that next fall there will be an 8 month old hanging out with me while I decorate. You better believe he'll be dressed like a pumpkin on multiple occasions.
21 weeks down, 19 to go. Now that my favorite time of the year has kicked off, I know it's going to be January, like, tomorrow.


  1. lol @ the lady telling you her son looked like a girl until he was 17! What?!

  2. Thankfully I haven't had too many people start with the belly touching...but definitely a few- and yeah- a little awkward! haha!

  3. I'm so excited for you! Dressing le bebe like a pumpkin will be a must - and sharing pictures, of course!
    ~ Samantha

  4. I have avoided being touched by strangers this whole pregnancy, so relieved!! People can be so rude haha, but that's a funny story.

  5. That's so crazy to think that you were pregnant without even knowing it! I know that's how it always happens, but I've never really thought about it until you said that! How fun!

  6. So cool that you have a picture with him and didn't even know it! :) My bff has a picture of she and her husband, hours before they found out. So awesome! I'm dying to see your fall decorations!

  7. People say the strangest things to pregnant women. I've never been pregnant, but I received all kinds of weird marriage advice when I was first engaged, and I'm like REALLY PEOPLE?!?!?

  8. I swear people say such weird things in situations like this!

  9. I had a pumpkin costume when I was a toddler! It was pretty cute, if I do say so myself!

  10. Ahh! Congratulations!! Also, what is with people?!

  11. only 19 to go girl!!! so excited!! xoxo
    isn't it the coolest to feel them move!!
    also, people are so weird! people at church touch my stomach all the time and sometimes i'm just like PLEASE BACK IT UP in my head, haha!

  12. I can't believe that lady said that!! I wouldn't know how to respond.
    What a sweet photo! I was recently looking at photos of my fiancé and I when we first met. It kinda blew my mind as well as I thought, geez, I had NO idea at that point I would fall in love with that guy and marry him this fall!

  13. People say the strangest things to people who are pregnant! I love TimeHop. So fun to look back on fun memories. :)

  14. ah hahaha "my stomach and it's tenants". dying. too funny!

  15. I'm starting to go crazy with all things fall-related and wish I could decorate for Halloween already, haha. Just think about how this time next year you'll be brainstorming some super cute costume ideas for your baby :) So exciting!

  16. I've never understood why strangers feel the need to comment on things like that. :) I bet your little guy will look adorable in his pumpkin outfits!

  17. Oh my goodness Chelsea!! I love your blog and am so happy for you. You are already glowing :) Wishing you all the best in your pregnancy.

    Blessings, Edye


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