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Friday, September 18, 2015

TV Shows & Movies to Get You in the Mood for Fall.

Fall is the time to get outside and enjoy the weather, of course, but it's also the time to cozy up with some coffee and watch some good movies. These are my favorite shows and movies that remind me of fall, and they're almost all on Netflix. 

You're welcome. 

Friday Night Lights. The quintessential fall show. If you've never seen FNL, fall is the perfect time to watch it. A small town and fall and the football's perfection, even if you don't like football. Trust me. I've seen every episode, and I'm watching it again, because fall. 

PS: Part of me wants to move to Texas next year so I can get a tattoo that says texas forever. Reserve your judgement.

Gilmore Girls. I'm not sure why this one always makes me think of fall (the intro, maybe?) since it covers all the seasons, but it's a small town that makes a big deal about every season. Nothing makes me excited about fall quite like watching the town of Stars Hollow throw their annual fall festival. It's just adorable.

Parenthood. Again, not exactly sure why I think of this when I think of fall shows. I'm pretty sure that I just equate cozy, feel-good shows with my favorite season. If you've never seen Parenthood (do not be misled by the name, it's for everyone), then get yourself a cup of pumpkin coffee and watch the pilot. That's all you'll need to be hooked.

Pretty Little Liars. Because every October needs just a little bit of spooky. Fair warning: I absolutely HATED the way this show ended (even though there's another season in the works, but still. Hated it!) But it's still worth watching for everything up until that point.

Remember the Titans. If Friday Night Lights is the quintessential fall show, this is the quintessential fall movie. It's one of my favorites!

Elizabethtown. Full disclosure, this one has nothing to do with fall. BUT it does have the perfect fall soundtrack...seriously so good. And it's my favorite movie ever. And it's on Netflix. You're welcome.

You've Got Mail. Fall either makes me think of cozy small towns or New York City, nothing in between. This one is the latter, and I love it.

Rudy. So basically any movie about football goes on the fall list.

The Great Gatsby. "Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." Is there anything better than combining fall + the '20s? No. No there is not.

What shows or movies remind you of fall?


  1. I'm slowly making my way thru Gilmore Girls and loving it. Wish I lived in a small town like Stars Hollow! Friday Night Lights and Parenthood are on my To Watch Eventually list too.
    And You've Got Mail IS a great cozy fall movie. Need to watch it again soon.

  2. I am dying to re-watch Gilmore Girls again someday always makes me think of fall too! Especially the earlier seasons of it :)

  3. As soon as I saw the title of the post, I thought "Gilmore Girls"! Glad to see we think alike! Love your suggestions!

  4. Ahhh Remember the Titans and You've Got Mail are two of my all time favs <3

    Green Fashionista

  5. You've Got Mail <3 <3 <3 and I think I might watch The Great Gatsby today now! I watched, and really liked season 1 of Parenthood, but still haven't finished the series!

  6. Is it too soon for Hocus Pocus? That's my go-to fall watch :) I do LOVE me some Remember the Titans though! That might have to come out this weekend!

  7. I always thought of Gossip Girl, because the series always has the most gorgeous views of NYC in the fall.
    Oh and of course, Harry Potter... hahaha

  8. I never got into PLL but I love all the others. I have watched FNL from start to finish multiple times. Love me some Tim Riggins.

  9. Hocus Pocus for sure, I also love What Lies Beneath as kind of a thriller movie to welcome in the fall/Halloween. Parenthood was one of my favorite shows and I think you've convinced me to restart it on Netflix from the beginning!

  10. I am on season three of re-watching Parenthood. : ) Great examples. I am behind of Pretty Little Liars, I really want to know what happens next!

  11. The Great Gatsby is such a great movie!! Gilmore Girls makes me think of fall too. I think it's because that part of the country is so beautiful in fall. Halloween movies like Hocus Pocus & Beetlejuice make me think of fall too :) not the scary ones though - not my jam. Happy Friday!

  12. I've been meaning to give Pretty Little Liars a go.

  13. AH love this recap! I think fall makes me think of TV because all the good shoes start back up! CLEAR EYES, FULL HEARTS, CAN'T LOSE!

    xx katie // A Touch of Teal

  14. I LOVE PARENTHOOD! Ah, I miss it so much. Friday Night Lights is on my list to watch! Getting wrapped up in all things fall is my absolute favorite...thanks for this post :)

  15. Yes! There is something about Gilmore Girls and Parenthood that makes me so in the mood for fall! Pretty Little Liars sometimes too with their incredible October episodes! Happy fall dear! I'm excited to go apple picking this weekend - areal fall activity that I haven't done since I was a kid!

  16. The Great Gatsby is my favourite film of all time and I can see it on my shelf from here - You've tempted me into watching it tonight haha! Loved this post, thanks for sharing!

    Bethany | x

  17. All of these! I'm even watching Gilmore Girls right this minute. Dan in Real Life is also a great fall movie.

  18. Parenthood and Gilmore Girls are two of my favorites! I may have to start watching them again this fall! Great list!

  19. I keep hearing about friday night lights. I haven't watched it yet but I'm thinking I should - even though I'm not big on football.

  20. ♥♥♥♥ Literally LOVE all these picks!! :) Especially Parenthood. I'll have to try out Friday Night Lights and Elizabethtown.

  21. I never really thought about shows that remind me of fall, but Parenthood and Gilmore Girls would definitely be the shows in my list! Why must they both be over?

    And I tried watching Friday Night Lights but will need to give it another go. Along with You've Got Mail (I've never seen it!). :)

  22. I couldn't agree more that there is no better time to watch FNL than in the fall. It just makes me want to live in a small southern town and attend football games each Friday night.

  23. I think we might have similar tv tastes. I've been meaning to watch Friday Night Lights for a while. Gilmore Girls is my favorite! I recently rewatched the entire series, and I caught an episode on TV the other day and thought, "I should rewatch Gilmore Girls again." I love it so much.

  24. I'm with you on the ending of PLL. Hated it! But it also makes me think of fall. So does Gilmore Girls. And Charmed does, too. I think, like you said, it's that spookiness factor. Also, there's a Halloween episode in the third season that I LOVE to watch during fall!

  25. Parenthood is the greatest show I've ever seen, I really fell in love with the characters!

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld


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