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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

You Can't Do Everything, But You Can be Really Fantastic at What You Do.

If you're anything like me, you often start your day with a well-meaning, incredibly detailed to-do list that, in reality, has entirely too much on it.

If you're anything like me, there comes a point in your day where you just let yourself succumb to the fact that there is no way you are getting all of this done today. Sometimes that point is early, and sometimes it's not until bedtime. But it's there, nonetheless, almost every day.

As we go into fall and the holiday season and, you know, having a baby, my to-do list is just going to keep getting longer. The amount of things still on the list when it's time to call it a day are just going to keep growing. But here's what I've learned: I would rather do a few things really well than do a bunch of things terribly.

Most of us are always going to have more things we feel like we need to do than we have the time to do them. But, we are also always going to have the things we have to do, no matter what.

Every single month, I tell myself, "I'm going to say yes to more this month, and I'm also going to say no to more this month." I know, it's weird. But over the past year I'm really learning the value and importance in saying no sometimes. What I've learned lately, though, is that sometimes you have to say no to yourself, for the sake of yourself.

There's a lot of freedom in realizing your priorities--the things that have to get done no matter what--and focusing on being excellent at those before you add in seventy-five other things you would like to do.

So that's where I'm at this month. Realizing priorities and making my many to-do lists reflect those. If I can't be fantastic at everything, I might as well be fantastic at the things I have to do, right?

Because I can't do everything. And when I try, I end up looking like I can't do anything.

So cheers to a fall full of prioritizing, becoming excellent at the important things in life, and, of course, many pumpkin spice lattes.


  1. I totally agree! We all have our own gifts that we shine at

  2. I love this! It's something I think about often.

  3. this sounds like my life right now and it's so true- beautifully written :) wishing you joyful and productive days {and lots of lattes!!}

  4. So true! I found that In the past I felt really unaccomplished if I didn't finish my list, no matter how many things I had checked off. Now to combat that I try to make a list of the absolute must do's. That way if I get anything extra done, I feel really good about it!

  5. This is so true! I am excatly like you. I plan to do a ton of things but I just don't have the time to do everything!

  6. I totally agree with this! Good way to think about it!

  7. This is definitely me to a T, and I need to get better at prioritizing! Especially with the holidays around the corner, I take way too much on and then it flies by at lightning speed without being able to fully enjoy it :-P

  8. Usually when I try to do everything I get exhausted a quarter of the way through and give up. Not good.

  9. totally relate to this! i have started prioritizing 3 things to accomplish each day and if other things get done well then that's awesome but really those 3 things are where my focus is. it's been really helpful and cheers to pumpkin spice everything!

  10. I needed to read this today...I am at the place where I feel overwhelmed and deflated by my never complete to-do lists. I can do anything but not always everything, and that is okay.

  11. I couldn't have said this better myself. I know the feeling all too well!

  12. Saying both "yes" more and "no" more is so wise!

  13. I love this! I always start my morning off with an insane to-do list and high hopes. Towards the middle of the day I realize I have hardly accomplished anything. However, if I focus on the more important things... perhaps I can actually accomplish something!

  14. Every word of this post resonated with me. I'm completely a person who wants to do everything and push my boundaries and then I just end up being overwhelmed and not doing half as much as I could have if I just figured out what was important. It's a constant struggle of learning to reign it in and have more realistic ideals.

  15. Yes! This is something that I'm constantly reminding myself.

  16. I love this! I feel like I've only just recently found a good balance in life and gotten my priorities straightened out

  17. The thing about going to school is that everything I put on my list really does need to be done eventually, and being who I am it needs to be done to the best of my abilities. But then, I don't want to give up blogging or watching TV or any of my enjoyable pastimes either.

    The Life of Little Me

  18. "If I can't be fantastic at everything, I might as well be fantastic at the things I have to do, right?" Yes. You win the internet today. :)

  19. I am really trying to say No more this year. I tend to try to be there for everyone and end up wearing myself out. It's hard but it's worth it for your sanity.

  20. Amen, amen, amen. There is so much freedom to be enjoyed when we sit back and soak in life and say NO sometimes. :) I've been crazy frantic trying to perfect my classroom this week and after a few tears shed, I realized that it's not meant to be perfect. And that I just can't do everything. Thanks for reiterating that statement into my life! :)


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