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Thursday, September 10, 2015

22 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Lately, I've just been overwhelmed with thankfulness. No matter how tough things get (and they get tough!) or how sick I feel or how overwhelming all the questions I have are, I just have so much to be thankful for.

So yes, this week brought me a $900 bill for blood work (HOW), a lot of questions about the future, and a lot of anxiety about everything I need to do. But it also brought me overwhelming peace and thankfulness. I've been taken care of until now, and that's not going to stop. And at the end of the day (or really, the end of 18 weeks), no matter how many surprise bills or confusing questions or anxious feelings there are, I'm going to have a perfect little family. And when you compare that to everything else, the only option is to just be thankful. Life is good!

  • I've reached a point where I'm constantly thinking of him, no matter what I'm doing...mostly because he's never not moving. I know that he's been hanging out with me for 22 weeks, but now I'm constantly aware of him. It makes me think that I'm already going to be so bonded with him when he gets here, because we'll have just been chilling for 9+ months. 
  • I'm just really uncomfortable already. Sometimes I tell people this, and they laugh at me and tell me it's just going to get worse from here, so I throw my coffee at their face smile politely and then never speak to them again. Side note: As I was typing this, I got my weekly update email that informed me that baby is the SIZE OF A SPAGHETTI SQUASH TODAY. Hello, no wonder I'm uncomfortable. 
  • I keep going back and forth between being ready for him to be here already and needing another solid six years to prepare everything. This baby currently has a fox outfit (obviously), a Gator's jersey, a pair of overalls, and some books. One cannot live on those things alone. So. Much. To. Do. So naturally I'm going to have another cup of coffee and pretend I have six years to take care of everything. 
22 weeks down, 18(ish) more to go. 


  1. i feel the same way! we got this, girl!! you will do amazing and it will all come together! sending prayers and love

  2. You still have plenty of time to get everything done. Don't stress!! I feel the same way and I only have about 8 weeks left! You are so right, no matter what life throws at you at the end of the day your still going to have your sweet little family. There is nothing better!

  3. That's how I felt the few days before I got induced! I don't think there is any way to be completely prepared. You've got this momma :)

  4. I remember starting to get uncomfortable around 20-22 weeks with my first and being like, how is this possible? I'm only half way! This time around it didn't start until the 3rd trimester... Maybe because I was already stretched out inside? Hahaha.

  5. yes!! i'll be 16 weeks tomorrow and i'm already freaking about about how we dont have much time to get everything ready! I am already so big that it hurts to bend down. thankfully, at this point, it's all belly so people aren't asking why i'm such a whale. haha. I think about baby all the time too although we didn't take a blood test to find out the gender.. we have to wait three more long weeks :(

  6. how can you not think of him?! i would be doing the same thing!!

  7. I LOVE reading your weekly updates. Not being a mom, sometimes I get overwhelmed by the amount of sharing. These are perfect and they make me smile for you every week. Sorry you're getting uncomfortable. People should be offering to help you out, not tell you it's gonna get worse :)

  8. You have so much time!! I didn't do anything/buy anything until I was 8 months pregnant, because I had been too sick the first 6 months, and then the holidays hit. Even working full time, it all came together by the time she was born. The nesting instinct will kick in soon, and before you know it you'll be rearranging bookshelves at midnight. Not that I speak from experience or anything ;) You're making me miss pregnancy, and I did not think that was possible.

  9. I can't believe you're over halfway!! What an exciting journey, Chelsea! It is so fun following along and hearing your thoughts along the way :)

  10. Aww congrats on being halfway! He will be here before you know it.

    xo katie // a touch of teal

  11. A spaghetti squash is big! I'm with you... talk about uncomfortable! lol

  12. I really enjoy your weekly updates! Keep going girl!

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld

  13. I felt the same way, that anxiety is just part of motherhood, but it's true, the gratefulness always over powers the anxiety. Money will always be stressful, but it's only money and there's not much you can do about it. Your love for him is far greater.keep staying positive. The uncomfortableness is only temporary compared to the joy he will bring you for the rest of your life.


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