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Thursday, September 17, 2015

23 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

We've now reached the point where there's just no hiding this baby bump. Gone are the days of my entire closet being an option--a snug option, sure, but still an option. This baby is bumped out and he is staying. 

  • He loves pumpkin. So obviously, he takes after me. I've been drinking pumpkin coffee every morning, and he just moves all around. I thought it was just because of the coffee, but when I had normal coffee this weekend, he wasn't moving much at all. But once I got a pumpkin spice latte, the dancing began. He's got good taste. 
  • It was our first family trip! Sure, baby J didn't really get to do any of the fun stuff, but he was along for the ride!
  • When I got home, Gatsby hugged my stomach and just laid there for like an hour. He was so excited I was home, but he was especially excited to be reunited with his little brother. He had a lot to tell him. 
  • Today is 99 days until Christmas! The most 99 wonderful days of the year! It's so crazy to me that it will be the last holiday season I have without a little human. I'm just soaking it all up...every morning, it's just me and the baby (and Gatsby, obviously--see above) listening to the Autumn in New York radio, drinking pumpkin is good. 
23 weeks down, 17(ish) to go! 


  1. That's so cute that Gatsby hugs your stomach! I know animals are smart, but that's a whole other level.

  2. so cute. and let the pumpkin continue and countdown to christmas, too!!

  3. There is just something about a dog and their baby, I love it!

  4. YES for the Christmas countdown and YUM to pumpkin spice coffee <3

    Green Fashionista

  5. So cute that your little baby boy loves pumpkin! It's so weird to think that it is your last Holiday season without a tiny human, framing it that way makes it seem crazy intense (and exciting)!

  6. SO CUTE. I love getting to go on this journey with you! And hooray for 99 days. Is it socially acceptable to put up a tree like, today? Jk. Kinda.

  7. Ahhhhhh so cute!!! Glad you're able to enjoy every minute of this! :)

  8. SO cute he loves pumpkin! He has great taste :]

    xo katie // a touch of teal

  9. Of course he loves pumpkin! I love that Gatsby already loves him so. Not much longer now

  10. Wait, 99 days??? Holy smokes. The time is going to fly by!

  11. Ahhh, I love that he loves pumpkin already! What a crazy way to experience his personality :) How have I missed that your dog is Gatbsy? Does he really snuggle up to your belly? I try to convince Copper to come hang out with my belly and he has zero interest. Like NOTHING. He loves her room, though. He's already gotten the rug dirty from rolling around in there.

  12. oh my goodness your puppy snuggling your belly is THE CUTEST!!!

  13. It's so crazy that dogs just know!


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