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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reading is My Love Language.

I love reading more than most things in life. An afternoon with a good book and a cup of coffee is my happy place. It's one of the little things in life that is really one of the big things. People read for a variety of reasons: To learn things, to escape reality, to become better at something, to get lost in a story. It is truly amazing that the same hobby can be used for so many different things. 

It blows my mind when I meet people who say they don't like to read. I can't imagine living in a world that didn't include very earliest memories include stories of some kind, and books have been a part of my life ever since. I could write forever about all of the reasons I love to read (and think everyone else should, too), but I think my love for books boils down to three main reasons. 

1. An entire assortment of worlds exist, just waiting for you to discover them. When you read, you visit more worlds than just your own. You travel to places you may never get the chance to go. You meet people you would have never known existed. You experience magical things without ever having to leave your hometown. 

Life can sometimes become so mundane, and we're quick to complain about how we feel stuck and need an adventure. Sure, it'd be nice to peace out of work on a Tuesday afternoon and catch a flight somewhere exotic, but chances are, your boss thinks that's frowned upon. 

While you may not be able to shake things up with an adventure across the globe, you can dive into an adventurous book when you get home. And still make it to work the next day. It's a win-win.   

2. Whether you have 10 minutes or an entire afternoon, you can lose yourself in a good book. I love that reading is a hobby that you don't have to dedicate a whole day to--but you totally can. I love making crafts, but if I have a ten minute break, I can't really jump in on the middle of a craft project, spend ten minutes, leave it, and then be able to pick back up that night right where I left off. Too messy. But with reading, you can jump in and out whenever you have time. 

3. It's impossible to read a book without learning something. Even if it was a terrible book, chances are, you learned something, no matter how small. It doesn't have to be a non-fiction biography to be educational--sometimes fiction books are the best teachers of all. 

Why do you love reading?


  1. I love reading too! I love it for many of the same reasons you listed...I love learning about places I may never get a chance to visit, and "meeting" people who I'd never encounter. I love the escape of it and everything you can learn. Books are such great friends :) adorable post!!

  2. I completely agree with you! I've always been a reader but very recently have begun to appreciate it. I read all day at work but there is nothing better than settling into bed at night with a good book

  3. I am with you 1000% on this, friend! Reading is essential to my life, I read around 5 books a week and can't imagine not liking to read. Now my daughter is turning out the same way, she brings books to breakfast and reads while she eats…! ;)

  4. Wonderful post!! I love reading in that you can just do it for 10 minutes or you can do it for hours :) Before bed, even if I'm exhausted I try to read a few pages of something because I enjoy it so much. And SO true about always, always ALWAYS learning something.

  5. I love this post. I totally agree. I can lose myself so easily. I love when a book is totally engrossing to the point where I don't really know what's going on around me.

  6. while i'm guilty of not giving books enough love in the past (due to life, other things etc), i've since rekindled my love for reading and it's all i do now; even TV takes a back seat and i've been inhaling all the books!

  7. I was just having a conversation with a co-worker who doesn't like to read, and it is SO strange to me too. I really can't even fathom not reading or not wanting to read. I love that you said it's a small thing that's really a big thing because that is so true.

  8. This post helps remind me of all of the things I love about reading! I remember my mom reading to me every night and how much it meant to me that she did that. I feel that is where my love for reading began. Now I cannot stay away from books -- I hope to have my own library one day! These are all such great reasons to love reading ♥

  9. This is a beautiful list. I just love this girl.

  10. I second all of the reasons you listed for sure! Reading has always been a huge pastime for me. I was sick so much as a little kid that reading was the way I did things: went to the prairie with Laura Ingalls Wilder, became a country vet with James Herriot, explored crazy new worlds with Dr. Seuss and on and on and on. Books rock. :)

  11. It blows my mind when people say they don't like reading, too. I've formed emotional attachments with books and characters before because I get so invested when I read. It's relaxing, and it's a getaway.

  12. Since I graduated high school I've read less than half the amount of books I used to as I adjusted to adulting, a job, new responsibilities, independence and all that jazz. But this year I've rediscovered reading--more than just that ever-mountainous To Be Read pile and I've fallen in love with books, and my favorite genre--inspy historical fiction--all over again.
    (Thanks for your comment on my blog, Chelsea!)

  13. This post is SPOT ON! I am just as obsessed with reading as you are. This list is perfection! :)

  14. These are cute quotes. I love reading, because I like to be in a different world for a while.

  15. I love to read too! Such cute quotes.

    ​​xx katie // ​A Touch of Teal

  16. I love reading, I just love the fact that I can get lost in a book!

    What is your favorite book?

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld


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