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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

5 Planner Hacks: How to Get the Most Out of Your Planner.

I live and breathe by my planner. As much as I like to feel adventurous and spontaneous, I also know that if I don't write it down in my planner, I'll forget it. Twice a year, new planners and pens and notebooks grace the shelves of Target and inspire me to organize my entire life: January (New Years) and August (Back to school).

The thing is, planners can get really overwhelming really fast, and can end up getting thrown back on the shelf with several empty months left. This usually happens because A) It just became too overwhelming to use something like that every day or B) It didn't help as much as you thought it would and you feel like you're wasting your time.

Over the past three years, I've become extremely dependent on planners, and I really think they make my day so much easier and save so much time. I use one every single day. Here are the best things I've found to help get the most out of using a planner.

Write everything down. This is the most important thing! I think sometimes planners don't work because we're really just liars (or maybe just extremely optimistic) when we write in them. For example, we'll write:
  • Respond to emails
  • Schedule blog post
  • Conference call
  • Get things ready for party. 
When in reality, this is what that list means:
  • Respond to emails
    • All 10,000 of them. Cry a little. 
  • Schedule blog post
    • Figure out what the heck to actually blog about, because I have no ideas. 
    • Actually write blog post.
    • Take pictures for post. 
  • Conference call
    • Take notes during the call. 
    • Send notes to everyone. 
    • Scramble to respond to questions asked during call, and send emails answering them. 
  • Get things ready for party. 
    • Clean the whole house because I'm having people over. 
    • Go to the store so they actually have something to eat. 
    • Cook said things for them to eat. 
    • Take a shower and try to actually look presentable. 
See? Big difference. If you look at the first list, it looks like a deceptively easy day and you can end up wasting most of the day and panicking when it's 6:00PM and you've only crossed one thing off the list and HOW could this happen if you used a planner?!

I write down every single thing I want to get done. From how many glasses of water I want to drink (not joking) to making my bed to sending specific emails. It can feel silly at first, but having exactly what you expect to get done written down in front of you helps you manage your time better. Plus, more things to mark off just makes you feel more productive. 

Write things (somewhat) in the order they need to be completed. If you need to turn something in by 8:00AM, try to write it near the top of your list. Otherwise you end up getting to it around 3:00, and that's not fun.

Use a highlighter to mark things off instead of scratching them out. I just started doing this last month, and it's so helpful for when I need to go back and see exactly when I did something. Plus, it makes your planner look neat and colorful, so it's a win-win.

Have a separate "running to-do" list. Whether it's a section in your planner or a notebook or a list on your phone, have a separate area for all the things you need to get done eventually. That way, when things pop in your head, you can write them down somewhere with all the other things you need to do, and you'll also have a list to reference when you're planning your days.

If you can't find a planner that works for you, make your own. Seriously! Everyone is different, and every season is different. If the planner you bought doesn't cut it for what you need, there are plenty of free printable to-do lists online. Put them in a binder and you've got a planner! Or, it can be something as simple as a notebook with the date written at the top of each page. Whatever works for you, use it.


  1. I rely heavily on my planner for everything. If I don't write it down, I don't remember it so it doesn't happen.

  2. Great ideas--especially the highlighter one!

  3. ohhh these are fantastic!! pinning this right now- i really have not thought of a lot of these!

  4. Love the highlighter tip as well as running to-do list! Very helpful!

  5. Fantastic tips! I've become more dependent on my planner in the last year and now can't imagine life without it! These hacks are so helpful though. I really like the idea of highlighting rather than scratching. Thanks!

  6. I love the highligter tip, great post helpful! I'm beginning to use mine more and more as the days go on.

  7. I am OBSESSED with my planner. I take it everywhere with me. I just started using these awesome, erasable gel pens, too and it makes changing plans in there so much easier!

  8. I'm a HUGE fan of my Erin Condren planner. I use it to track my water and alcohol consumption, workouts, and weight loss. I use it for blog planning (including when I actually post things as well as running lists for draft posts ready to go and posts to be written), and everyday scheduling and to do (I have short term and long term to do lists as well). I agree that you need to put everything in it so that you really use it. Great article!

  9. These are all great ideas!! My planner has become more of a "what I did today" book instead of a REAL planner! AKA- I love these reminders!!

    xo, B

  10. I have been trying to get better with my day planner -- your tips are great and will really come in handy. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Oh gosh, I love my planner. It saves my life on a daily basis, and writing all I need to do really specifically helps a lot! I also adore a good highlighter it two;)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. What planner do you use? I've been looking and I can't seem to find one I truly love.

    xoxox Lex // LexMeetsWorld

  14. Love this girl! And of course love all the planners at Target, my 2015 planner is from there and I loooove it! I just never got on board with fully converting to technology for every aspect of my life as I love to write things down <3

  15. These are brilliant ideas! I've never heard the highlighter idea but that is just genius :)

  16. Love the highlighter idea! And I have that planner for this year too- so cute!

  17. Great advice! I just bought a planner at Target to use during the school year (I'm a teacher) because I get so busy I forget everything! I want to get as much use of it as I can, so I will definitely use some of these tips! I like the idea of highlighting things that you've finished instead of crossing them out! That way I can go back and make sure I finished something! Or feel good about my accomplishments ;)

  18. Such good tips! I just had one of those days where I didn't realize I had so much to get done and just now am realizing how many things are left on my list! (Hence procrastinating and catching up on blog reading at 11pm!) haha! Anyways, love the post and your planner is BEAUTIFUL!

    Jennifer Ashley

  19. I LOVE planners so this was such a great post to read! AND I LOVE making my planners colorful as evidenced here: ( I love the idea of the highlighter! Do you use just one color to mark things as "done" or do you have different colors? Yes... hahaha my planner is color coded! :) hehehe! love your post!!
    :) Rebecca
    p.s. Love the cover of your planner = where is that from?

  20. This is incredible and I'm so happy to know that other people write every single thing down, too. It helps me feel so much more productive but I often feel silly doing it. I really want a new planner - what kind do you use?

    1. And PS - I nominated you for a cheesy little game on my blog today. Play along if you want ;)

  21. I'm not much of a planner - I try but I'm not consistent - in my day to day life. But I recently got a Day Designer from Target and I am in love with it for work. It keeps me on track and I write everything I need to do down. It has been a lifesaver to say the least. I don't have success with a blog planner (that's what CoSchedule is for), but for work -yes to all of this!

  22. I love the highlighter trick. I will start doing immediately.

  23. GREAT post! I'm with you, I have to write every step down. I also use the highlighter trick, both here and at work. :)

    I actually have two planners: an Erin Condren Life Planner where I do all of my "big" planning and then from there I put the day-to-day stuff in a personal-sized filofax-style planner and I think with this system I have finally found "planner peace," as all the planner addicts like to say.


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