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Thursday, August 27, 2015

20 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

As of today, we are halfway there. Halfway to having a baby. There has been a human being living inside of me for 20 weeks, and in the same amount of time, he will be living in the world with the rest of us. That is insane to me.

On one hand, I feel like I've been pregnant for long enough to be halfway there, but on the other hand, I feel like there's no way a baby will be here in only 20 more weeks. That's just not enough time. 

I was talking to my mom yesterday and I told her that I know I have so much to do, but I just don't know what exactly that so much is. I think that when people are planning and trying for a baby, there is lots of book reading and research and list making, so they know exactly what to do and what to get and what to change. Since there was no planning or trying, there was also no reading or research or lists. So I've got a whole bunch of question marks over here and am guessing this is the week I should dive into the terrifying world of Google to figure out what to do. 

Ready or not, this little guy is coming soon!

  • I can finally enjoy coffee again. I was only able to barely stomach a sip or two a few weeks ago, but now I can drink an entire mug full of deliciousness without throwing up. This little guy loves his pumpkin spice coffee, and I will be forever grateful he's letting me indulge in my favorite seasonal drink.
  • He is moving all around. Not just a kick here and there, but more like a constant dance party. I was am pretty uneducated about these things (see above), and I just assumed that once you felt the baby kick, you just felt him kick every now and then, maybe once a day. So...that's wrong. After seeing him on the ultrasound last week, moving all over the place, it makes sense that I'm constantly feeling him. He's got stuff to do in there, apparently.  
  • We really buckled down on picking a name this weekend. We took our list from about 100 potential first names to about 40 full names. Yes, that's a lot. But it's a big decision! It's been so fun talking about them with Christopher. Side note--you have no idea how many people you actually dislike until it's time to name your baby. 
  • Waking up today and realizing that if all goes according to what the doctor says, I am halfway to having a third member of my family. WHAT. There are no words. 


  1. Bahahahah... I'm dying over the comment about not knowing how many people you don't like until you try to pick a name!

  2. Halfway there, oh my goodness, so exciting. And so true about names and people you don't like. I'll just throw names at my husband randomly and he'll be like NOPE or I'll tell him nope, too funny.

  3. Hitting the halfway point is always so exciting and crazy! Love it!

  4. no words and can't wait!! :) we need to talk names soon- you have encouraged me! and HALFWAY!!! <3

  5. I'm 20 weeks this week too, and I. Can't. Believe. That we're halfway there! It's flying by!

  6. I laughed out loud: you have NO idea how many people you dislike until you have to name a baby. haha

  7. This journey is so exciting, and I am glad you can drink coffee again without getting sick!

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld

  8. I am not pregnant but this post made me smile. It sounds like you are going to an amazing journey :)

  9. hahah omg i love this "you have no idea how many people you dislike until you have a baby" i can totally see that! that's just too funny. i cannot believe you're already half way!

  10. I so hear you on the name thing! We have it narrowed down to a couple names and figure we need to meet her before we actually name her for life (it feels like such a huge responsibility!) ... but all the opinions drive me insane. Just let me name my baby dangit!

    p.s. savour it because it seriously flies by, I'm 31 weeks and wondering how that happened?!?

  11. Congrats on the halfway point girl, and YAY for coffee again :-D

  12. If I were to be having a child I would have a lot of the same thoughts. I wonder if that's why baby names are often made up? I can't believe you're already half way and yay to enjoying all things PS during the season!

  13. It's true that you realize how many people you don't want to be reminded of when you name your baby!

    Feeling the baby move was my favorite part of pregnancy. It always gave me peace of mind that she was ok, since you have no idea what's going on in there.

  14. How exciting! I'm sure the time will fly by now!

  15. This just makes me smile! And baby names are something serious, aren't they? I hear SO many at work and most of them just make me cringe. SO MUCH PRESSURE. But I have no doubt you'll have the perfect one :)

  16. hahah love your comment about finding out just how many people you hate! my husband and i will randomly throw out a potentially baby and one of us will be like "aaaw helllll no because i once knew this person named X" yay for little one loving pumpkin too!

  17. Yay for making it halfway!!! Names are SO hard! We have one but don't like to share it too much because EVERYONE has an opinion and it can get petty!

  18. Doesn't it just put the biggest smile on your face to feel him in there moving around? I seriously just smile all the time because how is it possible to bond from some random movements? I don't know but I feel like I'm starting to get the tiniest glimpse at "a mother's love." Also - good work on the name game! You should read the comments on my post today - I felt like they were extremely helpful!

  19. woohoo! Congrats to being 20 weeks! I love this post :)

  20. Yay for halfway there! Totally cracked up about not knowing how many people you dislike until you are naming a baby!

  21. Love it! Yay!! I can't believe you're already halfway there, Chelsea! :) It's been so fun following along and I feel like you just announced it! Time flies. My dear friend is pregnant too (due in Sept) and I seriously can't believe how quickly it's gone. And yes, I totally agree on the whole name thing. My husband and I as 3rd year teachers already have a decent-sized list of names our kids can't have, haha! :)

  22. Halfway woohoo!! That is a lot of names to narrow down!

  23. Oh yay! My son was moving around SO much at that point too! Enjoy it :)

  24. Aw the halfway point is so exciting!!! Good luck choosing a's so fun to finally call your baby by name. :)

  25. Choosing a name seems IMPOSSIBLY difficult. Jordan and I had enough trouble naming our dog I can't imagine trying to name a real, live human baby. Love following your pregnancy journey Chelsea (and SO happy you can drink coffee again, I would die!)

  26. Every now and then, I remember how many people I dislike and how difficult it will be to pick names for babies down the road. Like, I love the name Erin (especially because it means Ireland), but I had an awful experience that triggered my anxiety attacks with someone named Erin. So the fact that you have it narrowed down to 40 is awesome!

  27. SO true about the names. :) Love reading about your journey.

  28. I bet picking out a name is super fun! It is a big decision, and I am sure I'll have a list that long one day too!

    xo katie // a touch of teal

  29. So much excitement!!! Xoxo
    I love this! It's such an awesome thing to think about a third member of our little family too.. Ah!

  30. I laughed out loud at the you don't know how many people you dislike until you're trying to name a baby!

  31. Congrats on the midway point! SO funny about the "you don't know how many people you dislike until you're trying to name a baby." It's the truth!

  32. It's so great that the little guy is letting you drink your favorite seasonal coffee. :) And that comment at the end of the baby naming thought... so funny!


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