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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Bucket Lists + Pumpkin Spice Giveaway.

I love the idea of bucket lists, but I've never actually made a comprehensive one of all the things I want to do and places I want to go. Why? Because I'm afraid I won't actually get to do everything on there. I know, I know. But I worry about getting to the end of my very good life and having a list of things I never got to do. Or I worry about my life ending abruptly and I leave behind this list of unfinished business. I know, it's a weird thing to have anxiety over.

We'll be leaving Orlando in not too long, and I thought about making a bucket list of things I want to do before leaving here. But then, of course, I wondered how I would feel if I didn't get to mark everything off the list--a very real possibility with the new addition on the way. Would I feel cheated? Would it mess up the way I look back on my time in Orlando? Would thinking of Orlando make me sad if I didn't get to drink one last beer at my favorite bar or grab one more taco from my favorite place?

This morning, I woke up thinking about how stupid that is. I have an idea of an end date for our time in Orlando, but for life? Not so much. Life could be over abruptly, at any moment. Is that any reason to not plan and experience and make bucket lists? Of course not. In fact, it's even more of a reason to live every day like a bucket list--soaking up all I can and experiencing every bit of it.

So here's to making bucket lists, and to following through with them, or not. Here's to living every day like a bucket list--to getting up earlier to drive a little farther to meet a friend for breakfast. To taking the long way home. To getting lost on your lunch break. To slowing down and enjoying the day for all it's worth. To making a normal Tuesday night into something to celebrate.

Cheers to life--however long it may be.

Now, make your Tuesday a little happier and enter to win $45 dollars in pumpkin spice latte bucks. (It's really just a Starbucks card, but let's be honest--if you spend it on anything other than PSLs, you're just wrong).


  1. What an incredible concept!!!!!! BUCKET LIST here I come.

  2. This is so true. I tend to make bucket lists for each Season but not really for my life. It feels morbid for me. I think your Orlando Bucket List would be a fun way to get in a few last adventures before you leave.

  3. You should absolutely make a bucket list! I did the same thing for our remaining time in California before we left and I know for a fact we didn't mark everything off, but it did give me some goals! It will be good to see what you can do in your time left, regardless of whether or not you do it all. You may actually find that some of the things you don't end up doing are things that you're probably ok with missing out on anyway.

  4. I've never made an official bucket list either!

  5. Such a cute post! I have like a mental bucket list I guess you could say, but I have never really wrote my list down.

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld

  6. I've done a few season "bucket" lists, and the 101 in 1001 but some change now and that no longer are priority for me.

  7. I make seasonal lists and things I want to do...but I also have never made an official bucket list. There's a lot I want to do so maybe it's great to write it down but I also love the thought of living on a whim! PSL season soooon, YESSSS!

  8. How am I just finding out now that you're also in Orlando?! Now I'm totally sad that you'll be leaving :(

  9. Oh man is it already almost fall!? I can't believe it's almost pumpkin latte time!

  10. I'm with Kate, I thought you were South of me...not in Orlando! Not that I make it over there that often. Love the part about getting up early, getting lost, etc. Such a wonderful way to view the everyday! I am so excited for Fall!!

  11. Yay for bucket lists! So, we're going to be in Orlando twice in the next year for weddings... I hope you share your bucket list so for ideas for what we can do when we visit! ;)

  12. I made a 30 before 30 list and I think I only got one thing done from it, lol! I love the idea but I have a hard time following through on them! So jealous of people who kick such ass at it!


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