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Thursday, August 6, 2015

17 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Seventeen weeks already! It's hard for me to wrap my head around this because I really feel like I just spent $98 on pregnancy tests yesterday. But time is funny like that, and it never does ask you how fast or slow you would like it to move. 

  • Chris came home yesterday and sang "Jesus Loves Me" to the baby. He then proceeded to ask the baby if it was Catholic (We're not Catholic), but that's neither here nor there. It was a sweet moment while it lasted. 
  • Getting to hear the heartbeat again! This is the third time I've heard it and it still give me butterflies. And by butterflies, I mean an incredibly weird feeling of realizing that something is literally living inside of you, followed by extreme relief that everything sounds good. 
  • This is the week we find out the gender! In fact, as I am typing this, I have the baby's gender in an envelope and am just waiting on Chris to get home so we can open it together. I repeat, I HAVE THE BABY'S GENDER IN AN ENVELOPE AND AM EXPECTED TO NOT OPEN IT FOR NINE HOURS. SEND HELP. guesses, people! What do we think this little babe is?!
17 weeks down, 23(ish) to go. This. Is. Happening.

Little baby Jacobs, 

I can't wait to find out if you're a boy or a girl. I can't wait to start being able to picture you as the person you're going to be. Today will be the last day I have to refer to you as "it" or "they" or "the baby" or any of those other awkward terms. 

Girl or boy, you're going to be an incredible human being. I truly cannot wait to get to know you. But for now, I can't wait to find out if we're going shopping for tutus or camo. Xoxo


  1. How sweet that he was singing to the baby, definitely a moment to remember! And yayyyyy for finding out the gender, soooo exciting <3

  2. Ahhh, crazy excited for you to find out. When we found out Baby Girl was a girl {it sounds weird that way...} that's when I feel like I really started bonding with her. And not because she was a girl but because I could start to picture her room, her clothes, our lives, etc.

  3. I so wouldn't be able to not peek, so I give you major props :D

  4. So so excited to find out!! That is some serious willpower girl! ;) But it'll be so fun to open it and find out together. YAY!

  5. YAY! So excited for you to find out! Not knowing what to call the baby besides "the baby" is probably the hardest part about not finding out...I'm trying to come up with a good nickname so it doesn't bother me as much anymore!

    Also hearing the heartbeat....we just heard it for the first time a few weeks ago...I seriously couldn't stop smiling!! Nothing better (though so SO weird!)

  6. CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT THE GENDER! I'm horrible at waiting to open presents, so i wouldn't have the self control to wait in this situation hahaha

  7. That's so exciting! There's no way I could resist opening that for nine hours! Haha

  8. aww this is just so sweet. i'm so beyond happy for y'all!

  9. Weee congrats! I can't wait to find out either :) Eager to hear name choices as well! I absolutely love names. Weird, I know. Good luck during the next few can do it!

  10. Ah I don't know! I would need to see a picture of you again! lol

  11. Eeee! So excited to find out the gender! Hope the next few hours go quickly for you! :)

  12. I can't wait to find out the gender! I am loving these posts. Such an exciting time for you two!

  13. yay!! i can't wait to find out :) have the best time and enjoy finding out!!

  14. Eeeek you have so much more self control than I would--so exciting!! Also my guess is a girl! :)

  15. Aaaahhhh!!!! I can't wait to find out what you're having!!!!

  16. That's so exciting. I just found your blog and I love it! You always have a fantastic color scheme :)
    XO Ellen from Ask Away


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