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Monday, August 17, 2015

A Year of Journaling: 52 (More) Journaling Prompts.

I think journaling is one of the best things you could do, but if you don't journal regularly, the idea can be overwhelming. And even if you do, it's easy to get in a rut and let months pass by without writing anything down.

So whether you're in a creative rut or you just want to get started journaling, here are 52 prompts to help jump start your creativity. Part one here. Buy yourself a pretty journal and get started!

1. If you had the power to change anything in the world, what would you change?

2. The last time you surprised yourself.

3. A reason you're proud of yourself. 

4. The best part of your week so far. 

5. A list of little things that make you happy. 

6. How you're chasing your dream. 

7. A list of life-long resolutions. 

8. The biggest change you want to make in your life. 

9. A love letter to your life. 

10. Something you've learned this year. 

11. A quality you admire in others, and why.

12. Why you're happy with your life right now. 

13. The last risk you took and how it turned out. 

14. A list of things you love about yourself. 

15. Something in your life worth celebrating. 

16. A little, easy change you can make in your life. 

17. Things that are stressing you are right now and what you can do about it.

18. A list of things you're thankful for. 

19. A bad habit you have. 

20. Ways you've changed for the better over the last year. 

21. The best decision you've made this week. 

22. A plan for chasing your dream. 

23. The last time you got a text (or email or letter) that made you smile. 

24. Your dream job. 

25. Something you'd like to learn. 

26. Something that's making your unhappy with your life right now, and what you could do to change it. 

27. Somewhere you want to travel. 

28. A cozy morning. 

29. Your favorite thing about the current season. 

30. Something you wish you could go back in time and tell yourself last year. 

31. If you could choose one thing about the way your life is right now to make permanent, what would it be? 

32. Your favorite way to spend a morning. 

33. Three things you can't live without. 

34. Quotes that inspire you. 

35. Something you're looking forward to. 

36. A time in your life when you were happier than you are now. What was different?

37. A time when you were brave and how it shaped you. 

38. Write a poem. 

39. Your relationships with your family. 

40. What you hope you to accomplish this week.

41. A five year dream plan. 

42. The last five things that made you happy. 

43. A goal you have for this week. 

44. How you disappointed yourself recently. 

45. A friendship you miss.

46. Someone you need to forgive. 

47. Something you're good at. 

48. Something that makes you unique. 

49. A personal statement. Silly, doesn't matter. 

50. What month is your favorite, and why? 

51. A compliment someone gave you. 

52. The last time you proved someone wrong. 


  1. I always intend to make time to journal but never seem to. Maybe these prompts will help--thanks :)

  2. Love, love, love this list! Journaling is something I want to do more often.

  3. absolutely love these! you're so creative!

  4. Thank you for these! Pinning it right now :)

  5. Thank you for this list! :)

  6. You came up with a lot of really cute/good ideas! I try to write my ideas down as they come because otherwise I'll tend to forget them! lol

  7. I have a really cute journal but haven't figured out what to write in it yet. These are great ideas!

  8. I love these prompts! I need to pull out my journal again. :)

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this! I could use a little creativity boost right now :)

  10. Thank you SO much for sharing! One of my goals for this year (I still think in academic terms) is to write/journal more! I'd love to have enough thoughts together for an e-book. Did you come up with these journaling prompts on your own??

  11. These are fantastic prompts not only for journaling, but also for blog post topics...thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Thank you for this! I've tried several journaling methods and haven't found something that sticks yet, so maybe this will help!

  13. Now this is my kind of list. :) Thanks for sharing--I can't wait to dive into all these fun prompts!


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