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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Any Day is a Good Day to Celebrate a Fresh Start.

Sometimes, I miss January.

Not really January, exactly, since it's kind of the buzzkill of all months. But I miss the motivation and enthusiasm for change that comes in January.

In January, I wake up excited to tackle my to-do list. I'm motivated to examine every area of my life and see how I can make it better and what needs an overhaul. In January, the idea of cleaning the house excites me, because it's a resolution and I'm going to tackle it head-on. In January, waking up and spending the day making binders and lists and meal plans and writing out goals seems like the perfect thing.

But it's August. And my dishes and laundry are slowly overtaking my house. I have no idea what's for dinner, and I'm days behind on my to-do list. Work is piling up, and oh yeah, I'm having a baby.

And it's August.

So the idea of spending my time writing out goals and resolutions and decluttering the house and making meal plans just doesn't seem as enticing, you know?

Sometimes, you have to have New Years in August.  

You have to reclaim your days, even though it's not January and there isn't a Christmas tree in your living room. You have to decide what you want to change and then change it, even though it's 95 degrees outside and not the crisp winter weather that usually accompanies change.

Here's to the inspiration, motivation, and enthusiasm that January 1st so often brings. And here's to having that, and maybe more, on August 5th.

Here's to reclaiming your days and overhauling your life whenever it's needed, no matter what the calendar says. Because any day is a good day to celebrate a fresh start.


  1. I pretty much said August needed to be a fresh start. The first half of my year has not been great and it's time for that to be over.

    Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird

  2. I love this! I resolved to do this in June and reset my year and it has made a huge difference.

  3. I feel exactly the same way as you do about January - it's probably the most "blah" of months but it's an exciting time in terms of what's ahead and setting goals for ourselves. Love this outlook you have on August, we can always use a fresh start :)

  4. Yes yes yes. I've been rather unmotivated the last month and I think you are right in that we can choose to restart at any point of the year!

  5. I did this this summer and I'm so glad I refocused!

  6. Love this! Going back to my NY post now to see what exactly is said I'd be doing and holding myself accountable! My word for the year is determined and I think I'm sticking with that pretty well!

  7. Love this idea! I've been really focused on checking things off the list this summer and even with everything I've gotten done, there's still more that hasn't gotten accomplished. Refocus and tackle!

  8. This is so true, I've been a slacker lately and it really needs to stop! Maybe it's a bit of seasonal melancholia because summer is coming to end end slowly but surely. I'll have to try and make the most of this month :)

  9. Hahah, I can totally relate to this. I'm SO motivated in January, and I love setting NYE resolutions. But by the time August rolls around, I'm like... how did the time go so fast?! And why aren't my goals accomplished?! Here's wishing both of us luck at getting our acts together! ;)

  10. Thank you for the reminder. I'm really lacking motivation lately.

  11. I wish I had read this on the day you posted this, because I was praying for a fresh start that day. But the day you posted this I was on my way to the hospital expecting to find out that my mom had cancer or something like that. (Thankfully, she has Lyme's Disease and Babesiosis, which is a tick-transmitted parasite!) I'm the same way; in January I'm all about making lists and binders and productivity, but I was actually evaluating how I haven't accomplished most of what was on my to-do list for the year this summer. When my mom was hospitalized, I wondered why I had all these grand plans, most of which really don't mean much to me (learn how to knit!) when all I really want to do is focus on creating a publishing career.

    So August has been my fresh start. I have one goal and that's to write.

    I might have to blog about this soon. :)


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