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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Swing Forward Camp.

Two very important things about me:

1. Fall is my very favorite thing in the world.

2. I start celebrating fall on September 1st.

Now, I realize that a lot of people don't like this and that you may think I'm rushing summer to be over, but hear me out: I live in Florida. If I waited for Summer to be over, I wouldn't get to celebrate fall until it was time for Christmas. Two months is simply just not enough time to squeeze all of my favorite things about my favorite season into. So, September 1st it is. Side note: When I still lived at home, one time my mom and I tried to sneak the fall decorations out on August 1st instead, but my dad threatened to kick us both out of the house, so we decided September would just have to work. 

I love this quote, because to me, August really is a hinge year. I'm sentimental over summer but so excited that fall is almost here. Pool days and sunshine are still around, but pumpkin spice lattes are right on the horizon.

August makes me nostalgic. Another summer is in the books, memories and vacations and popsicles and bikinis. It will be a year before the carefree attitude of summer is back around, and I miss it already.

But fall is hovering, with it's excitement and desserts just waiting to be baked and pumpkin flavored coffee and carmel apples and oversized sweaters. And I can't wait. I can't wait to go to Hobby Lobby and buy more glittery pumpkins and candy corn string lights. I can't wait to bake entirely too many desserts, but hey, I'm eating for two this fall, so bring on the pumpkin. I can't wait for everything that fall is--cooler weather and warm drinks and excitement about what the rest of the year holds.

So me, I'm in the swing forward camp. And for the next three weeks, I'll be over here soaking up the last of summer and anxiously awaiting my first pumpkin dessert of the season.

Which camp are you in?


  1. Definitely in the swing forward camp! Fall is my favorite season and a fleeting one in Minnesota!

  2. I have never seen a quote that more accurately describes the way I feel about fall. I have the same problem you do because I live in California and we get stuck in summer almost year round. By this time of the year I am already craving everything related to fall and I am very ready to swing forward.

  3. I love fall!!! :)

  4. This year more than ever I am excited for fall! I am still excited to cram in 3 more weeks of summer, but then, bring on the pumpkins and crunchy leaves (and cool temps so I can wear the new fall clothes I may have already bought)!

  5. I'm with ya! I'm always ready to see fall because it means football, cider and sweaters. Enough said, right?! ;) We already have our fall doormat out---oops!

  6. I hate to admit it but I'm an All Things Fall girl too! Although I can't wait for summer when it's cold!

  7. I love the Fall but I am not looking forward to Winter. Last year was so miserable and it snowed well into Spring. I am not ready for that madness again!

  8. Your blog is super adorable! Love all the color :) So glad i found it

  9. I love summer, but I don't want it to go on forever. There comes a point (around now) where I'm just like okay it was good but I'm over it. Where for fall, if it's a good fall, I want it to go on forever. It's my favorite season by far.

  10. This is why I love living in Florida, we can celebrate fall with decor and yummy flavored food/drinks but still enjoy pool and beach days. I grew up in Connecticut, and fall always meant winter was coming (ugh - no thanks!), but now that I live in FL I don't dread fall and have learned to love it :)

  11. I love fall. I like August a lot too because fall is hovering. By about September 10 I'm usually in fall mode. I associate fall with back to school, and that's when the magic happens.

  12. I'm kind of obsessed with that quote. I've never seen one that so accurately describes how I feel about the change from summer to fall!

  13. I feel the same way, August doesn't really feel like summer but it's not fall yet either. Here in Canada you can tell that fall is coming though because it's slowly starting to get cooler outside and some days it feels more like fall than summer. I get a little sad in August, just because I love summer and I know that when fall rolls around it's gonna get cold, and it won't get warm again for a while. But in the fall I start getting excited for pumpkin spice flavoured everything and Christmas, YAY :)

  14. I am with you! I LOVE FALL. If I could live somewhere that had fall most of the year I would be there...haha. It's my favorite and OUR WEDDING is next month so this fall makes me extra happy!

  15. I'm a summer girl, it would be a crime not to be when I live in an area with some of the world's best beaches! That said, I appreciate the cooler months too because I love a good jacket. ;)

    I'm new here, and I wanted to say I LOVE your blog design, it's so fun and fresh. Well done to you and your designer.

  16. Fall is my favorite as well, I just love wearing big sweaters and drinking pumpkin spice foods/drinks. I love the feeling you get when it is fall time, the color changing and the fall breeze. Ah, I am so excited just thinking about it!

  17. Fall FOR LIFE! haha. I absolutely agree with you. I want to start celebrating Fall right this minute. Scarves and boots and the chill in the air. Swoon. :)

  18. YES to this. I pull out my fall candles every September. Sometimes I even celebrate in August. Don't tell.

  19. Swing forward! I'm so excited about fall! I think I might start celebrating the arrival of fall a little early... like sometime this month. I decided I'd do that with both fall and Christmas this year, because I don't think I celebrated either season to its fullest the last few years, and starting a little bit earlier would help. :)


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