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Thursday, August 20, 2015

19 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Look how big the little guy is getting! 

  • I felt the baby move for the first time this week! It's the weirdest feeling and I don't know how to describe it, other than it most definitely did not feel "like a butterfly" which is what I kept hearing everyone describe it is. It's been surreal though, feeling someone move around in there. It's just a reminder that he's a real live person, and it's crazy. 
  • We had the 18 week ultrasound on Tuesday night. First of all, I had no idea how thorough this was going to be. It was an hour-long ultrasound. But we got to see our little guy move all around! I can't believe he's so big already, and that he's already fully formed--he has all his fingers and toes and everything else he needs. At this point, he's just growing! He was being shy and had his face buried all the way down away from us, so it took a little while to see his profile. I said he was just being cozy and didn't want to get up! He moved around so much. He was sucking on his hands, putting his feet in his mouth, moving his arms all was so crazy to see. I know it's weird, but I feel like I know him so much better now!
Little Baby Jacobs, 

We got to see you this week--you are quite a mover! You seem to be full of energy, and already a little bit stubborn. You look super cozy in there, but I can't wait to meet you. For now, you can stay snuggled up and I'll just keep loving you from out here. I love you so much already, and seeing your tiny little face just made my heart so happy. xoxo

19 weeks down, 21(ish) to go. This is the last week where there will be more weeks to go than have already happened. WHAT IS LIFE. 


  1. This is so exciting! I love reading the week by week! <3

  2. Hooray for feeling the baby move! I've heard it's the coolest and strangest feeling the first time.

  3. That's so exciting! I can only imagine how weird feeling and seeing him move is.

  4. oh my goodness that is so exciting!!! what a special time. :)

  5. So exciting!!! Feeling babies move is the best (yet so strange!)

  6. So, so, so exciting! I'm loving this format of documenting your pregnancy. So sweet.

  7. Ahh!! So exciting- both the moving and the ultrasound. My 18 week ultrasound is in 2 weeks and I CAN'T WAIT!

  8. So awesome that you got to feel some movement!!!!! I have a bagel kicking around in my stomach right now. Def not as exciting or cute.

  9. So exciting that you felt him move this week! I look forward to your updates each week-they're so sweet! :)

  10. So sweet. I love following your weekly posts.

  11. So exciting! It must be so neat to feel the baby move <3

  12. Feeling the baby move is such a miracle! Your updates are awesome! I love that this baby was a surprise but that you're so in love already! That was my exact situation when I was preggo with Hadley. Your heart is just going to explode when you kiss that baby's sweet lips!

  13. Wow, how special! These updates are wonderful. Keep us posted! You're almost to the halfway point!!! Ahh!!!

  14. Your baby boy is so lucky to have you as his Mom! Seriously he's going to be so cute I can't wait to virtually meet him!

  15. Isn't it crazy how much those little movements touch your heart? I feel like I'm starting to get just a glimpse of the kind of love a mother has for her child.

  16. It's so precious when you get to feel movement, enjoy every second.

  17. Eeeep. I love reading these updates! I'm getting more and more excited for you! YAY!

  18. ahhh congratulations. Is it your first?
    Oh baby boys are the biggest blessing - and biggest mess.
    And yes, butterflies is not at all what it feels like. Try, I don't know - that feeling when you go down a rollercoaster - but mild. Its the best I tell you, the best.

  19. Congratulations, Chelsea! Loving these updates--sososo sweet. You're going to be an awesome mom. :)

  20. It's so cool that you felt him move!!


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