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Monday, October 19, 2015

Life is Good. Let's Talk About It.

Life can be rough. The world can be an ugly, terrible place at times. And we certainly talk about those times...and talk, and talk, and talk about them. When there's bad in life, it seems like it can't be talked about enough. 

But life is also good. There are a million little reasons to be happy, and I don't think we talk about the little things nearly enough. 

Life is good. So let's talk about it. 
  • A good thing in my life lately: These candles. From Wal-Mart. Anytime you can get 5 candles for $10, it's a good thing. But when the candles smell amazing and not at all cheap, it's an amazing thing and we should talk about it. Note: You also need the pumpkin spice collection. For some reason I can't find a link to that one. 
  • Also on the subject of candles: Target has a blueberry pumpkin candle. A BLUEBERRY PUMPKIN CANDLE. For whatever reason, it's not on their website. But it's $7 and you need to get it and experience a whole new level of happiness. 
  • I've been waking up and lighting a candle or two next to my bed before turning the lights on, and drinking my coffee by candlelight. It's not quite having coffee in front of a fireplace, but it'll do. It's such a nice and cozy way to start the day. 
  • In more happy news, I had my first ever fall experience at a Trader Joe's. It is fall flavor wonderland. If you like pumpkin flavored things and have a TJ's near you, you need to go. I have spent every day since trying to figure out what all I can put pumpkin butter on. Hey, it's not my fault that the baby likes pumpkin even more than I do. 
  • I truly believe that October is just a happier month. I just wake up happier and more refreshed in October-which is really saying something, because sleep and I aren't on the best of terms right now. But it's October! How can you not wake up and be happy to be alive in such a wonderful month? 
What's good in your life today? Let's talk about the good things!


  1. Love that you are looking at the good in life! It's so easy to get caught up in the negative that's all around us. Happy Monday chica :)

  2. I totally agree! October is just a happier month! And it marks the transition into cooler temps and soon THE HOLIDAYS!!!!

  3. Cheers to celebrating the joys; big and small. Life is full of ups and downs and it's great when we can take a moment to love the good. Coffee by candle light sounds fabulous.

  4. Agreed - maybe it's the upcoming holidays? But this time of year I'm so thankful and cheerful. I love October and fall!

  5. Yay for Trader Joes! And for blueberry pumpkin candles - Target for the win again <3

    Green Fashionista

  6. walmart candles?! that is fabulous. october is definitely a happy month :)

  7. Someone else recently talked about candles from Wal Mart. I think I need to go check this out!! And smell it out. Mmmmmm. Also, October is the happiest, isn't it? Maybe it's knowing that Christmas is right around corner ;)

  8. I love finding a good cheap candle! Our Kroger has a couple brands that we have stumbled upon that are SO awesome!

  9. I'm with you on October! Such a happy month. I'm happy because it is cooling down here, and Chris and I are heading out of town to see fall colors on his next day off! :)

  10. Love this! And seriously Trader Joe's is the best for Fall! Every time I go, I wonder how many Pumpkin flavored things I can reasonably's a lot :)

  11. I agree with you. October is the best!! Well, maybe right after November. :)

  12. I love the positivity and I also love October -- it's my husband's and dad's birthday month and then Christmastime in our house!!! Lol:)

  13. I love fall! And Trader Joe's is making my life good too (coconut almond spread - yum!)

  14. Love this! The little things really do make a huge difference!

  15. Yes! Walmart has the best candles for less, I have been obsessed for quite some time. I love the Pumpkin Spice ones!

  16. October is SUCH a happy month. I need some fall scented candles, thanks for the suggestions girl!

  17. I feel the same way about October! I just feel more positive and energized. I agree we need to talk about the good more :)

  18. I never would've put blueberry and pumpkin together, but somehow now that I'm thinking about it, it might just work! I'll have to sniff it out next time I'm at Target.

  19. you are so right that we have so many little things to make us happy and to be grateful for! love the idea of waking up to candlelight as opposed to flipping the light on! how cozy and romantic :)

  20. I am so glad you got to experience Trader Joes! Isn't it great? You should definitely check out the frozen foods - some really quick and easy dinners in there.

    ​​xx katie // A Touch of Teal

  21. I LOVE THOSE CANDLES! I buy new ones every season. They're so cheap and they smell SOOOOOO GOOD!

  22. I love this! It's always good to think on the bright side of life, especially to remind others to do it! I love Walmart candles. They always smell so good and are so cheap!

  23. I love the idea of reading by candlelight! I may just have to try that! Life is good as I head to a wedding this weekend and spend time with family!

  24. Candles are so good during Fall! I love all the apple, cinnamon, and pumpkin scents. :) Glad that you are focusing on the good things, love your positivity. :)


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