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Thursday, October 15, 2015

27 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Every single morning, Gatsby snuggles on my stomach while I drink coffee. He's already BFF with the baby. 

And just like that, it's the middle of October. Which just so happens to mean that this baby is 27 weeks along. Which just so happens to mean there are only 13 weeks left until he gets here. 

Let's just take a moment of silence for all the tasks that the baby books say I should have completed by now. 

  • I got to have lunch with Meg and her brand new babe. I held the little munchkin while Megan filled me in on all the dirty details I asked about (side note: It's super awesome to have friends who just recently had a baby, because they haven't forgotten the scary things about labor and having a newborn and things I need to know!). The entire time I was holding that tiny little babe, I just kept thinking, "It's literally a matter of weeks until I will be holding my own tiny human." So. Crazy.
  • He's so big now that I can feel him moving on both sides of my stomach at the same time. Before, I would just feel a jab or movement in one specific spot, but he's grown so much that I can feel his hands and feet (that's my guess--who knows what it really is) on opposites sides, wiggling at the same time. 
  • The one thing we didn't find when we registered was bedding...there were only two options in the store and I didn't like either one of them. I had looked on Etsy and other small shops like that, and of course there are hundreds of perfect options...that are going to cost you hundreds of dollars. It just seems a little crazy to me to pay $95 for a sheet that my kid is most definitely going to puke on at some point. Anyway, my mom suggestion I look online at Target...and holy fox goodness, I found the perfect bedding.
  • My baby shower invites went out this week! I'm so so exited to celebrate. My mom throws the best parties, so I know it's going to be a magical day. Spoiler: The theme is "A little fox is on his way." I swoon. 
27 weeks down, 13(ish) to go. If you were wondering how many days 13 weeks is, the answer is 91. Ninety. Freaking. One. We are less than 100 days away from meeting this little guy!


  1. Happy 13 weeks! I cracked up at the "moment of silence."

  2. wohoo! getting so close! How are you feeling overall? That shower sounds like it's going to be absolutely precious.

  3. I love that bedding :) Super cute! Also, I'm pretty sure those checklists in the books are meant to freak you out. You are going to be just fine!

  4. I can't get over how adorable your pupper is! And yay for baby shower invites going out - so exciting <3

    Green Fashionista

  5. OMG that looks like the perfect morning to me! Yay for baby movements! I'm not even close to being a mom, but thinking about it and reading others posts makes me so excited! Also, that bedding is adorable!

  6. Cutest bedding EVER!! Good find!!! :) And your lil dog is so cute and snuggly- I love it!

  7. Awww, love the fox theme, so fun! And the bedding is adorable. It is great having friends that can tell you the down and dirty on labor, good to know right ?

  8. I love that you are going with a fox theme, so so so adorable! You better put up tons of pictures of your baby shower, I want to see it all!

  9. I love how dogs just know. So cute! I can't wait to see what my doggie does when I get a little bigger.

  10. ah wow it's getting so close! and of course you found cute options at target because target is the best.

  11. I love the baby shower theme! So adorable.

  12. How sweet that Gatsby is so snuggly with your belly! I try to get Copper to hang out with mine and I mean I could smear food on it and it wouldn't entice him to smell it. He has zero interest. Now... her room? He loves it. Yay for your baby shower!


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