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Thursday, October 1, 2015

25 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember + HAPPY OCTOBER!

October is here! One of the most magical months of all! I love every second of October and its boots and sweaters and pumpkins and happiness. It's just the best. 

Also, I'm 25 weeks pregnant today. I won't even say BUT HOW?! Because I have come to terms that I am living in some sort of twilight zone-ish alternative universe in which everything to do with the baby is moving at warp speed. 

I'm fine, really. 
  • This is my second favorite month, next month is my third favorite month, and December is my favorite month. Every year, the span between this day and December 25th is so full of magic. Every year, it flies by. The only difference is that this year, I've got a baby due about two weeks after Christmas. So the thought of the next three months flying by is insane. And maybe a little bit terrifying. 
  • I always wake up on October 1st and feel absolutely giddy about what the next three months hold. This year is no different...there's the candy party, fall date, baby shower, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, CHRISTMAS's the best. But today, I woke up thinking how next October first, I'll be feeling the same way, except that I'll have a tiny little love in the picture to do it all with. The thought of that fills me with so many emotions, I can't even begin to explain it. How crazy and unexpected life is. How beautiful. 
  • I now wake up when he says so, because I can't sleep through his moving around. I imagine he's stretching and waking up, saying, "Yo, mom, where's that pumpkin spice coffee at? Let's get on that."
  • My mom and I registered for the little guy this week!! So surreal and so FUN. My mom is my best friend, so it was so much fun to do that with her. And it was fun because at least half of the things we saw, we were both like: "What is this? Do we need this? Probably. Right? Why are there so many things? Whatever, it's going on the list." Of course, we went into the process armed with venti Pumpkin Spice was needed. 

25 weeks down, 15(ish) to go. 15 has never seemed like such a tiny number. 

Happy October, guys! I hope you have the most magical day today. I'll be over here eating anything pumpkin that I can get my hands on and praying for weather cool enough to break out my boots. 

How are you celebrating October being here?


  1. October 1-January 1 is my favorite time of the year! I'm so happy that it's October. But I can't imagine how wonderful and wonderfully terrifying this time of the year feels for you. You're due 2 weeks after Christmas?! Then this time must be extra amazing (and, again, terrifying).

  2. Happy October gurlie! And yay for registering and Starbucks fall cups. I was so bummed that my Starbucks didn't get the festive cups, and I got a plain ol' white one yesterday :-P

    Green Fashionista

  3. Happy October, lady! Exciting about registering!!!!

  4. I love October but clearly December is the superior month :) I hope that you had fun registering!

  5. aw how exciting, and how fun registering with your mom. lots of fun and exciting (and terrifying) things coming up!

  6. Happy October!! I'm due about a week after you and I've been having those same feelings of slight panic thinking about how fast these next 3 (AMAZING) months are going to go! It truly is the best time of year!

  7. Happy October! I got up this morning shouting about it being October, it's my favorite. Yey for registering! That's so exciting, those 15 weeks will be here before you know it. I'm celebrating by putting on my favorite Halloween movie, Hocus Pocus!

  8. This is also my favorite time of year--Christmas is the absolute best! All the warm, fuzzy feelings. We started our registry the other day and it was kind of overwhelming, but we still had fun!

  9. everything about this is so much what i am feeling... i love being able to experience this journey with you! those are my three favorite months and in the SAME exact order ♥ I love that you registered together and 15 seems like the smallest number. wow. xo

  10. I am totally digging this. I am counting down to December myself. The only thing stoping me from wanting it to be here already is my upcoming cruise. Cannot rush that. haha.

  11. Happy October! Such a wonderful time of year! Can't wait to see photos of you and your little one this time next year. :)

  12. There is something so special about this time of year. Labor Day. Halloween. Thanksgiving. Christmas. New Years. It really is the best time of year!

  13. I also LOVE this time of gives me a sense of renewal. You have so many exciting times coming, I hope you get all the time you need to enjoy them all. Take it all in...what a cute picture of you and your mom!

  14. Looks like you and your mom had so much fun registering together! I loveee this time of year too, it's even better because my birthday is this month!

  15. Such a cute photo of you and your mom! That must have been such a special adventure for you two :)

  16. Chelsea, I didn't realize you were pregnant! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  17. Yay for getting registered! That's awesome that you got to do that with your mom!

  18. just register for everything. take back what looks like it came from space. miss your face.

  19. I love October and the whole October-December time period. It's amazing! And registering is so much fun!
    Morgan |

  20. So fun that you're so excited for the next three months! You have a lot to look forward to for sure! :)

  21. These are my favorite months too. How crazy that your little guy is due two weeks after Christmas! That's so exciting!

  22. It's such an exciting and busy time of year! How crazy that just two weeks after Christmas you'll get your best gift yet. Glad you had fun registering with your mom. I love sharing all baby planning with mine, it's like wedding planning all over again!

  23. You registered!!! Yay!! I can't wait to register. Our reveal is on the 23rd and after that, I'm hitting up target like nobody's business! :) so cool that we are so close in our own pregnancies. You're a bit over a month ahead of me.. So you can tell me what to do and what not to do when our babies come ;) haha.


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