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Friday, October 16, 2015

Dear Pre-Pregnant Me.

Hey girl.

Congratulations on being almost 6-months sober! No, you didn't become an alcoholic. You're having a baby!

I know, I know. Not the plan, right? But listen, just because you're actively trying to not have a baby does not mean that you're not supposed to have one. Hear me out.

Right now, you're in the middle of a wild and free phase. You're making travel plans, counting down the days until Chris is done with rotations so you guys can go adventure all over together. So when you wake up on a Wednesday and see a plus sign on a white stick, your first reaction will be one of being upset. You will spend months feeling guilty about that, but try to cut yourself a break. It's okay, I promise.

When you tell Chris, it will be on a night where you had plans to attend a school function. When you tell him that you can still go because you know it's important, he will grab you by the shoulders and say, "That doesn't matter. Nothing else matters."

He will be so, so right.

Some people will be happy for you and some won't. Some people will say congratulations and some will say I'm sorry. It's all very confusing, but none of it matters.

You don't know anything about having a baby, but I'll let you in on a secret I've recently been let in on: No one does. Even if they've been planning for years, no one really knows about having a baby until they actually have one.

All those wild and free dreams you have? They don't go away. But one day, without even realizing it, they start to include a little boy. You start to dream of traveling with the love of your life and a wild-haired blonde boy. You start to dream of trips home to see your parents so he can play in the treehouse you know he will have in their backyard. You start to dream of making a new home somewhere, with you and Chris and this little guy and Gatsby. The more time that goes on, the more perfect these dreams become.

And it's hard. It's harder--physically and many other ways--than anyone could have prepared you for. But you're also stronger than you would have ever thought. I haven't even met him yet, but I can already tell you: It's all worth it.

One day, on a Wednesday, you will wake up to an incredibly normal day, with no idea how much your life is about to change in a few short hours.

One day, on a Thursday, you will feel the distinct kick of a tiny little foot, and that will be the moment you fully realize that that you're adding a real, live human to your family--a tiny little human with his own personality, who will be all yours.

One day, on a Friday, you will be spending your day off filling in blank spaces on the calendar--match day, graduation, interviews--and it will be like the final piece of a puzzle just clicks in for you. Of course you're supposed to have a baby. Of course he's supposed to be at match day and graduation with you. Of course there's supposed to be another member of your family. Of course. 

So, you're in for quite the ride. You will be upset, you will be frustrated, you will be sick, you will be fat, you will be terrified. But just hang in there. Because your moments of clarity are coming. The excitement is on the way. Just hang in there.

Oh, and one more thing. Do me a favor and go out tonight and get sushi. The good kind--the cold, fresh, raw kind. And get a beer with that. Trust me, you have no idea how much you really love beer until it's the middle of the scorching hot summer and you can't have one.

You're about to grow up real fast. But you're going to surprise yourself in the best of ways. And six months into the future, you won't be able to imagine your life playing out in any other way. So just hold on. You've got a good thing coming.

What do you wish you could go back and tell yourself? 


  1. Oh girlfriend this is absolutely wonderful. I'm very much in the "don't need/want a baby" phase and feel like I'd probably have a similar reaction if I found myself pregnant--but I've always said if it happens it happens. Love this!

  2. I personally love this. We're starting the baby conversation in my house and while I know we both want children, I often worry what having them will do for our lifestyle. We love traveling, we love doing new and different things whenever we feel like it and I know it will be different once there are little ones to think about. Plus with my husband being in the military, there's always a wrinkle or two in every plan. But I take a lot of comfort in knowing that other people think about that as well and so many couples seem to make the transition just fine.

  3. "Because your moments of clarity are coming."

    Beautifully written! Love this!

  4. Love this, I can't imagine all the emotions you've been through the past several months. You've got this gurlie, and you have an absolutely wonderful husband by your side every step of the way <3

    Green Fashionista

  5. Your writing is always so beautiful- I love this post and I love your take on things. Thank you also for reminding me that NO ONE knows everything about taking care of a baby- I know I don't ha!

  6. Oh this is incredible! Thank you SO much for writing it! That little guy is going to have an amazing mama!

    Lauren :)

  7. So beautiful, Chelsea. I had to keep myself from crying (only because I'm in a public place! lol). I loved the part about beer and sushi-I think I will miss having sushi the most!

  8. Love this! All the feels. As someone who hopes to get pregnant soon, I already miss beer.

  9. This is amazing, such a great summary of feelings. Sending to a friend who had a surprise pregnancy too.

  10. This is so true and spot on. And really about the beer. Pregnancy is the one time I really felt like I needed a drink but couldn't have one.

  11. This is such an amazing letter, so so cute!

  12. I absolutely love this. I have no idea what you're going through, but you've just given me a little peek into what you're experiencing, and I think you sound so so happy.

    The Life of Little Me

  13. I LOVE this! I think my letter would be very similar. While it wasn't exactly in the cards right now, we're making it in the cards. While we may not have a single clue about how to be parents, we'll learn as we go. So excited for you!

  14. Awe, so perfect though. Like you said, no one really knows until they've been there, done that. Congratulations on your pregnancy! All that matters is your own happiness and remember, everything happens for a reason :)

    Kaitlyn @

  15. This is so perfect and so true! I was a mess when I found out I was pregnant with my son, but I couldn't imagine life without him now!

  16. Love your letter! You are a great writer and I love your take on things :)

  17. I love this! I think about how pregnancy will alter our lives all the time. It's like the future is talking to me! haha

  18. Such a cute letter. It is okay to have the fear, because it is life changing even if it is for the better. It is change and that is scary. You can totally do it though.

  19. I may have to steal this idea of writing a letter to my "normal" self. I mean, pre-pregnant me. It's so amazing how all of the sudden all your plans and dreams change and you just can't imagine not including a little one in your plans at this time next year. And yet, as much as you already love this little one and can't imagine life without them... life without a glass of wine is just... torture!

  20. i'm a little late on this post but i wanted to read it when i could give it my full attention. chris' reaction with "nothing else matters" ? so perfect. xo!

  21. oh my gosh I loved reading this! Such a unique perspective on pregnancy!

  22. So many emotions! So excited for you and the next chapter of your life - even though it was unplanned (like most things in life are)!


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