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Thursday, October 22, 2015

28 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

Reunited with the love of my life this week!

Twelve weeks to go. I don't know why, but twelve seems like such a smaller number than thirteen does. The first thing I thought of this morning was how we waited until I was twelve weeks pregnant before we made it public knowledge...and it felt like forever. But now that there are only twelve weeks left, it feels like the shortest amount of time. Time is a really weird thing. 

  • Christopher came home. He's been gone for two months (more on this later), and while I like to be all, "I am woman, hear me roar" about things, being pregnant alone is not fun. He's been home for two days and it just feels so nice that my little family is back together again. It's the best to have him with me to feel the baby moving and see first hand what's going on, rather than explaining it over FaceTime. 
  • Target deleted 75% of my baby registry. Two weeks before my baby shower. NOPE. Apparently it was a universal problem, and it kind of made me feel bad for them...because they singlehandedly screwed over a group of hormonal women who want presents. Not exactly the group you want coming after you. Update: Everything has been added back and we are back in action. 
  • We bought our first article of baby clothes. We popped into a Ross to look for something, and I couldn't help but browse the racks of tiny little clothes. Clearly he needed some fox footie pajamas. 
28 weeks down, 12(ish) to go. I feel like I should be freaking out, but I'm really not. Mostly because Chris is home and there's someone to share the freaking out load. Marriage is great. Now...I'm off to take my glucose test. Let's hope those two donuts I ate yesterday don't find a way to bite me in my ever-growing backside.  


  1. Time is absolutely flying! I completely agree - every baby needs some fox footie pj's lol!

  2. Awww I love your updates!!! And I laughed out loud about the thought of a group of pregnant women knocking down the doors of Target about their registries--thank goodness it was fixed before your shower!

    Lauren :)

  3. Oh, I loved buying those first baby outfits, it made it all so real! I kept so many of this baby clothes, too, they are so sentimental. I'll never let them go! P.S. Glad your family is back together again! We have done a lot of those separations and they are awful, no matter how self sufficient we are;)

  4. My hubby was out of the country for work for a few months during my 1st/2nd trimester and it was no fun to be pregnant alone! I mean, we can do it and all, but doesn't mean it's fun to do. :) Glad Christopher is home!

  5. Glad his is back home so he can experience all the new changes with you.

  6. So happy Chris is back with you! I was on a spontaneous little adventure this weekend and I saw the cutest hand knitted baby fox outfit and immediately thought of your sweet baby!

  7. Awe glad Chris is back home, two months is a long time to be separated! Good luck on your glucose test, not fun.

  8. You two are the cutest. :) So glad he's back!


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