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Monday, October 12, 2015

Stopping to Take it All In: Med School Update.

As of a few week ago, we turned in all of Chris' residency applications. After so long (years, really!) of talking about what he wanted to specialize in and where we wanted to live and a million other details, it seemed so weird and amazing and final.

Christopher has started to get interview offers, and it seems so surreal. Each time he gets an offer, I feel like my heart just might explode with pride and happiness and all sorts of emotions (even the ones that are in the freezing cold lands of Wisconsin). For every email I see come through (the offers come via email), I just think, we did that. All of our work up to this point has been for this. 

Small side note: Yes, I do realize Chris is the one working hard in med-school and not me, no need to be rude and bring that to my attention. But like I said, we're a team. The past four years has included a heck of a lot of teamwork, and it's all been for this. 

Every night shift where Chris didn't get to sleep and I stayed awake trying to convince myself there wasn't a serial killer hiding in my closet, that was for this. Every time his alarm went off at 3:00 AM and he had to get dressed in the dark because he wanted me to sleep. Every time he had to miss out on something fun. Every time he would come home to take me on a date, only to get called back in to work. It's like every interview that comes in is saying, hey, you did it. It was worth it. And I am so proud of us. I'm proud of Chris, I'm proud of myself, I'm proud of our marriage. We did it, and it was worth it. 

There's plenty more to look forward to. Match Day (March 18th), graduation (May 20th), and starting a job (Job! Not School! YES!) in a new city with a new house and a tiny new family. But for now, I'm just savoring this season. A season of anticipation and hope, a season of seeing how all of our hard work is starting to pay off, a season having so many big things hovering, but just enjoying the now. 

I'm a part of this online group of Doctors' wives, and it has members from wives of med-students all the way to wives of doctors who have been working for decades. The ones who have med-school and residency long behind them use the hashtag #itgetsbetter when they post about certain things, and it's like a reminder to those who are still early on in their journey to hang in there, it gets better. 

I totally believe it gets better. I know there will be a day when Chris has a work schedule that includes a normal amount of hours and a much larger paycheck. I know there will be a day where I won't have to work if I don't want to. Where we'll be able to buy a house. Where dinner together won't seem like a luxury. So yeah, I know, it will get better. 

But you know, it's also pretty good now. All of those things will be wonderful whenever they happen, but I don't need them to be happy. I'm happy now, in this season we're in. So I'm going to savor it, every last second.


  1. umm you 100% put in hard work too!! it wouldn't be possible without your support and guidance so heck yes it is a we! so glad you are taking the time to soak it all in.

  2. Oh my gosh my heart is bursting right now. Because yes! YES! YES to all of this! People forget that being in a marriage is being a part of a team--and while you might not be the one wearing the white coat at the end of all of this, you still DID it. Being a spouse to someone with a high demanding job takes is a huge sacrifice in the world of "normalcy." I was a football wife for many years and I can practically FEEL your excitement and relate so much. Congratulations!! You DID IT!

  3. I agree with Helene---you're part of the team!

  4. Echoing everyone else when I say that it's totally a "we" thing! Being married is being a team and every success is a result of that teamwork!

  5. Making your marriage work through grad school? Um, yes, that's definitely an achievement for both of you! Congratulations, can't wait to hear where you all end up!

  6. You definitely made sacrifices for this also. Kudos to both of you!

  7. I hate when people say Chris is the one working hard, not me. When you're a team, it takes both of you to help each other succeed. I love the idea of the #itgetsbetter hashtag. Each season is so beautiful, even when it's tough, but sometimes (like when my friends want us both to be in a wedding, and Chris can't even tell them if he can be a guest), I look forward to the days of easier schedules. :)

  8. You are definitely part of a team and he needs your support! You are sacrificing and working hard, too, and I look forward to reading more about this adventure! Can't wait to see where you end up! ;)

  9. You are a HUGE part of his success! You are a team! Congratulations to you both! You so deserve it!

  10. This is definitely teamwork, and can't imagine what both of you have been through in this long process. Cheers to the end of the process, and the perfect job offer <3

    Green Fashionista

  11. Congratulations to the BOTH of you, what an amazing sense of accomplishment! Every partnership, relationship and marriage is most definitely a TEAM & you were a key player in all of this. I always love your outlook on things wishes to the both of you throughout the rest of this process!

  12. Wow! So awesome that there's an end in sight, with lots of exciting things coming up.. Congratulations to you two!

  13. So exciting! Congrats! Match day is always HUGE so I'll be thinking about you!

  14. i'm so glad you called out that you are team! heck yes. that's the way marriage should be so glad you are taking credit too because it's deserved! cheers to you both for working so hard to get where you are!

  15. Yes! It may be his career, but you have totally made sacrifices and have been along for the journey as well.

  16. It is definitely all about teamwork! While I wasn't working and my husband was, I'd sometimes say, "yeah, but I'm not doing anything..." and he'd always remind me that he couldn't do what he was doing without me. That's teamwork right there! Congrats to you guys! It will get better. :)

  17. Teamwork makes the dream work! So glad I found your blog!

  18. Yay! Yay! Yay! Your teamwork is so exciting! I love reading about your journey as a couple and now as a family. Can't wait to see where life takes you two cuties (:

  19. eep! so exciting! all the nights that you couldn't have dinner together or days you could do your favorite thing together like go to the farmer's market - it's all worth it! while i was not studying in med school, i was working late and odd hours and now, life has normalized. we really love our sunday nights together and our saturday morning trips to the market, together. if you make it to wisconsin - we'll be state neighbors!

  20. So exciting!!!! My boyfriend of 8 years just started his first year of medical school!!! He is stressed and excited and there is no doubt we have a lot of teamwork going on. Who's making dinner, cleaning, dog rotations, etc! Its exciting to hear that it gets better and more exciting towards the end!!

  21. That is awesome congrats to you both. It takes a village. ;)

  22. That's awesome! You totally did it too... like you said, marriage is teamwork and you both are a huge part of getting to this point. I'm so excited to read more about this journey! And now that you've mentioned Wisconsin, I'm totally rooting for that. ;) Just kidding... but really, Wisconsin is awesome and you'd be living in my favorite state!

  23. Excited for you guys on this journey! And if you DO end up in freezing cold Wisconsin, we can be friends. It really is nice here. :)

  24. Excited to see where you guys end up! It'll be a great new start for his job and your family as you welcome your little one!

  25. Woohoo! I can't even imagine the excitement and nervous energy you must be feeling right now.

  26. You DEFINITELY deserve to congratulate yourself just as much as him. The two of you are in this together and while he might have been able to get through it without you, I'm sure he's VERY glad he didn't have to.

  27. It's great to stop, pause, and celebrate every little step in this journey! I hope he gets an interview and a match somewhere that is the best fit for your new family. I know how stressful the waiting and the unknown is.


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