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Thursday, October 29, 2015

29 Weeks: Things I want to remember.

The last week of October means fall dates and pumpkin patch visits! 
  • First things first: I passed my glucose test! I do not have diabetes, nor do I have to stop eating copious amounts of sugar. Not that I'm doing that. No, you have a problem.
  • I've been so excited that I'm due in January because there's a brand new women's wing of the hospital opening at the end of the year, and that's where I'll have my baby. I found out yesterday that they pushed their opening back two weeks after my due date. So I will not be delivering at the fancy hotel-like new hospital. When my doctor told me this, he said "I have to tell people, the team taking care of you is more important than your thread count." This made me wonder if people complain about the sheets a lot, and if I would be judged for bringing my own sheets. Please advise. Again: No, you have a problem. 
  • Interviews kicked off this week...we went to Miami last week, and are headed to Ohio this week. It's so crazy trying to imagine having a baby in these places. Life is weird. But also really good. 

29 weeks down, 11(ish) to go. That's 77 days, in case you were wondering. This. Is. Real.


  1. My glucose test is in a week...I better not have to stop eating copious amounts of sugar. This baby has given me a major sweet tooth!!

    Good luck with the interviews! Ohio is fun :)

  2. Great post, and amzing photos ! ♥ I have a request of that clicking in the most recent entry (dresslink) ? :) I will be very grateful :)
    Best, Malwina

    ♥ my blog ♥

  3. I brought my own pillow (with a patterned case, so they couldn't try to claim I was stealing a hospital pillow) and I wore my own gown during delivery too because I didn't want my picture taken in a frumpy hospital gown! (vain much? i know, i know) so if you want to bring your own sheets, you bring your own sheets girlfriend! just don't have your heart set on bringing them back home, they may get a wee bit stained..
    and if you happen to want to wear your own gown, you can totally modify a normal gown to make it hospital (aka IV and possible epidural) friendly, so don't get sucked into the million dollar gowns they sell online!

  4. Yay for passing! I've heard of lots of friends bring their own pillows and sometimes a blanket, so I say bring whatever yo uwant!!! :)

  5. You'll want your own pillow and I also brought a throw blanket. I can't believe how close you are getting! Such a good attitude about the various interviews.

  6. Oh my gosh! He will be here before you know it! You guys are going through such exciting things.

  7. Oh no! I'm so sorry about the opening being moved back--and girl, people bring all kinds of weird stuff to the hospital for "comfort" for "baby." I say if you want to bring your own sheets, DO IT :)

  8. Yay for passing the test, and boo that the wing is opening two weeks after your due date now! Hope the interviews are going well and you are having fun exploring new places. :)

  9. getting close to baby watch time! Exciting! You're so cute!

  10. You guys are so cute with your pumpkins! Bummer on the hospital but I bet you won't even know the difference. I'm trying to figure out what my emotions/expectations/etc are for labor/delivery/hospital/etc and I can't figure it out. So many unknowns.

  11. Yay for passing your glucose test! And that's too bad about the hospital wing. But I guess, like your doctor said, your team is better than the thread count. :)


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